✗ fourteen ✗

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⚊ chapter fourteen

My phone buzzed quite loudly as I come out of the restroom. The Monday isn't yet over and I was now about to go in my next class with Chenle - the boy himself is waiting for me from the lockers area.

Unluckily for me, he couldn't forget the encounter with Ni-ki and he won't shut up about it to the point that what I see in his text is wanting me to throw my phone down the floor.

[ Chenle : Someone's waiting for you out here in the hallway! 😍 ]

[ Chenle : Won't you shit out faster then be here to give him a hug? ]

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[ Chenle : Won't you shit out faster then be here to give him a hug? ]

[ Me : Just wait and I'll give what you're asking for, Zhong Chenle! ]

If only it wasn't too costly to buy a new phone, I would've thrown it at both of their faces. My phone being thick and old compared to the new models of phone being released these days, it could be a good missile to any threat.

Imagine the pain it could give to anyone if they were to see it flying their way.

I started to run to where Chenle is waiting for me, not really in the mood to reply at his text. Once I arrived in front of my locker, I was panting with profusely aching side and much to my dismay, I saw Ni-ki hanging out against the wall beneath a window.

He was looking at my presence approaching my sweet Chenle, not really too sweet in my eyes right now.

"Alright, let's go to our next class and I dare you not to mutter anything about that Monday person", I said threateningly, daring for Chenle to shut his mouth.

He nodded with a little laugh and took my bag from me, perhaps his way to say sorry for getting on my nerves.

That was the last thing Chenle wanted. No offense to Dongpyo, but between the two of them, this one actually respected if he knew I'm getting tipped to the edge of my sanity.

Actually, now that I think of it, he knew me the best among the trio and we knew each other longer as well.

But at the same time we walked into our classroom, I glanced back at Ni-ki who was following now or striding after us to get in his own desk in the back row.

I pushed the thoughts of him to the back of my mind and joked around with Chenle while waiting for the teacher to arrive.

"Do you want to hang out later in the house? My aunt has a left of ingredients of the cookies and we could bake something", I said excitedly.

I could just cancel the tutor sessions with the giant monkey. It's not like we were going anywhere in the previous attempts in his house.

Annoyingly Yours ⚊ Nishimura Riki [#3]Where stories live. Discover now