Chapter 3

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Before we start this chapter will include Wholesomeness and maybe Fluff?

The Mentioned Characters in This Story Rightfully Belongs To Monsta. None of the characters here belongs to me, im only borrowing them to make this fanfic!

Alright Then Let's Get To The Story!

"Ah, Alright then terimakasih gempa this is good" Boboiboy said making the earth elemental blush a little bit since his owner praised him and he can't help but feel proud, since his owner appreciated the food that he made with the help of taufan, now the other's getting jealous since their leader got praised, boboiboy seemed to notice that his other elementals reactions of him praising gempa. "Heh......." Ori said it made the elementals attention turn to him "Uhmmm... Ori what's wrong?" Gempa asking since he was near his owner "I see some people in this room jealous~" Ori said smirking and eyeing the said jealous people in the room, "No We are not!" said some people while blushing in emberassment, while the others just denied it.

(Ehem... Im Talking about the tsundere's in the room, y'know who im talking about~)

Gempa can't help but giggle at his brothers, "You know it's ok to be jealous, you all are free to tell me if you need love, affection or talking your feelings and emotions out. I'll always be here no matter what happens like what you guys did to me, if you guy's didn't care about me so much why would you still be here by my side, Im Glad you all cared and loved me for being your owner and im glad that you all became my elementals and fushions without you who will i be where i am now? " Ori said with a soft and warm smile eyeing each element and fushion.

It's true, ever since boboiboy got the hold of the elements he didn't force unlocking any of his elements, he worked hard unlocking them unlike ret'taka their cruel user that sucked all of them from their respective users, making the elements developing trauma because of the cruelty that NOSELESS SPACE MONKEY has done to others using their powers, they were relieved when they had Boboiboy as their new owner, a kind loving soul that has a heart of gold and would do anything to save and protect his loved one's and to those people/aliens that needed it. Ever since then the elementals we're glad to have such loving owner like him they felt the missing pieces of them being put back together again and healing from their past pain and trauma, ever since then who even dare to hurt or even touch a tiny piece of his hair will face the wrath of his elements and shall pay the price for hurting him.

The Elementals and Fushions can't help but tear up some already crying hugging ori sniffs and sobbs were heard Boboiboy can't help but smile and opened his arms for a huge hug, ofcourse the elementals and fushions didn't hesitate (even the tsundere's folks) and hugged him tight as if he was gonna be in a life and death situation any momment now, they were afraid to see their owner in such state again it hurt them....their heart ached it feels like a piece or part of them went missing or got taken out it just doesn't feel right. Boboiboy seeing his dear elementals in this state made him worry and felt guilty for not experiencing their pain and trauma if he did he could of had helped them easily, he thought to himself was it that bad when he fainted?

|Oh BBB If only you knew.....|

After everyone calmed down

"...Can i ask you guy's what happened when i fainted?" Boboiboy asked, the elementals didn't know what to say nor anyone dared to say anything.. "Was it really that serious?" Boboiboy again asked "Well you see Ori...." said
Taufan who broke the silence, it was hard for the elementals to answer the question of their beloved owner, all of them we're all silent until..... "Well... It all ended like this, after you used supra, you changed back to your self and then you *hicks* lost conscious causing you to fall into the frozen water down below the cliff you fell off......"Solar said trying not to burst into tears again, Ori gave solar a sign to sit in the bed with him so he could calm a bit,"Your friends rescued you in the freezing cold water, and you a coma for fi-five days..."Halilintar continued trying not to sttuter in the last sentence," Don't you dare get hurt again Ori!" Someone yelled making all of them in shock he wasn't really the type of person to show much feelings but when it come's to his beloved owner, he could always show those emotions he couldn't care less if anyone saw him in such a emotional state, it was none other than Supra, he was the fushion of the duo rival, the siblings who always gets into arguments all the time. "Pl-pls don't, when you're friends rescued you we we're all worried for you inside the power watch dimension, a-and then F-fang said you gained conscious for a bit so we could a- all split without fusing or sharing bodies, thx to the feature that Abang Solar made. Then we saw you in the bed, getting your d-deep w-wounds and bruises all patched up, none of us dared to leave you, w-we would all take tu-turns watching o-over you." Supra stuttering the words he was saying while trying to hide his tears.

(Heh also such a tsundere, but what can i say you are a fushion of Hallintar and Solar.)

Everyone was stopping themselves from crying but they couldn't, seeing how their owner laid their unconscious with an IV and a breathing mask. They couldn't afford to loose him after getting the others back again from the hands of ret'taka, they didn't wanna switch owners they wanted to be with their beloved ori and they still wanted to fight by his side no matter what faith has prepared for them, they are ready to face it all together. "Im Ok now" Boboiboy said with a soft and warm smile, patting his bed cignaling the elementals and fushions to stay in the bed next to him.

|If you're all askin how did they fit in the bed? Well let's say the bed was wide enough for all of them to fit in.|

The Elementals and Fushions couldn't help but cry once more letting out all the pain, trauma and anxiety that bottled up inside them "Shhh,im here, im alright, im fine, im with you guys and im never leaving you again" Ori said "Promise???" asked Thorn "Yes i promise, now let it all out" Ori said once again.

After a few moments of crying non-stop, Boboiboy ori then noticed the elements and fushions are a sleep with all the crying that has happened, just then the kokotiam gang are back after their mission with Captain Kaizo in retrieving the stolen power spheras that ret'taka used.

|Like I said in the first chapter this is Inspired by Boboiboy the Movie 2 but not completely the Boboiboy Movie 2 since it has a bit of au and canon mixed together|

The Kokotiam Gang then went to visit Boboiboy, they knocked at the door first, Boboiboy who heard the knock told them to "Come In" then the kokotiam gang went inside the room to find his elementals sleeping with red puffy eye's Fang noticed this and was glad that his dear best friend is awake. "How are you boboiboy? and what happned" asked Fang "Im Alright" Boboiboy said then looked to his elementals and fushions "Alot happened fang" Boboiboy once again said "We're glad that your alright we we're worried about you y'know" Yaya said "Even your elementals and fushions we're worried about you" Ying added "Dey! Don't worry us like that you almost gave all of us a heart attack" gopal said while trying not too wake up the elementals and fushions since he know how they can be sometimes aggressive and overprotective. "We just came to check on you," Ochobot said "Im Hungry let's all go eat" Gopal said while his tummy grumbled (Usual Gopal) Everyone just rolled their eyes, but they had to admit they we're hungry after that mission. "Well we'll be leaving and will check on you tommorow again, will also deliver food for you guys" Yaya said "Besides its almost dinner time, it's 5:50 when we just got back and dinner we'll be done by 6" Ying added "Alright then, you all go and eat. I'll nap for a little bit more" Boboiboy said "Alright then, come on guys let's leave them all be" Ochobot stated while the others nodded while going walking outside and, Fang being the last to go outside closed the door carefully without waking anyone up. "They sure had it rough" Yaya said "Well they have been through alot" Ying stated "Ying's right, ever since boboiboy and us recieved our powers, boboiboy has been handling on how to control his 7 elements" Fang said "Boboiboy did went through alot physically and maybe mentaly handling his powers as to such many villains wanted his power and ochobot for themselves" Gopal said. While the gang kept on walking towards the kitchen.

(Gopal?! Is that you??? This is not the gopal i know.... Anyone call the FBI!)

This is it for Chapter 3! Finally i made it much longer than the 2 previous chapters. I Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Also Thank You All For 92 Reads and 10 Votes! I'm glad all of you liked this book.

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