Chapter 7

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The Mentioned Characters in This Story Rightfully Belongs To Monsta. None of the characters here belongs to me, im only borrowing them to make this fanfic!

Alright Then Let's Get To The Story!


After a While
The doctor came out of the ER, causing everyone to gain his attention, Amato went towards the doctor and asked "How's my son?" "Do not worry we manage to stabilize his condition, but we have bad news and good news to you, which one would you like to hear?" The Doctor asked, everyone was silent..........until "Bad News" Halilintar said coldly "The bad news is we found out what happened to him" the doctor said "And that is?" Supra said glaring at the doctor giving him chills, "His blood was poisoned" this made everyone shocked, how in the galaxy did he get poisoned when he is literally inside TAPOPS. "How about the good news?" Gempa asked politely but still has his aura, "The good news is we manage to remove the poison in his body, he is fine now he is just resting" The Doctor said. Everyone sighed in relief knowing boboiboy is now alright, "Can we go inside?" Ying asked "Of course he is in room - - - -" The Doctor said "Thank You very much" Glacier Said "Alright then i must be on my way, there is a button beside boboiboy's bed press it if anything happens" The Doctor stated, everyone nodded going inside the room where boboiboy is at.

ᑭᖇᗴՏᗴᑎT TIᗰᗴ:

It's been three day's since the incident happened, everyone had constantly been visiting Boboiboy especially the elementals they have been sleeping outside of the room where Boboiboy is occupied in they wouldn't budge and insisted that they are fine but in reality they aren't they're worried for there owner he hasn't healed from his first injury now he has a new one, he got sent out of the ER the doctor said he wasn't allowed to have any visitor's inside the room until he is completely stable,

(also from the previous chapter where Ying asked where is Boboiboy's room, the doctor also went back to inform them that they are not allowed to go inside the room but they can see him from the glass outside.)

when they received a message that they can finally visit Boboiboy the elements let the others go first before them since they wanted to stay longer with their owner even tho they wanted to go first they decided to let the others go in anyways even if they were itching to be with their owner, the kokotiam gang had a mission to rescue an unknown power sphera while Amato and Mechabot had a meeting with Admiral Tarung, Commander Kokoci, Maksamana, Kaizo, Sai, Shielda & Ramenman regarding to what happened to Boboiboy.

Inside the room there laid Boboiboy with Ochobot next to him in his charging port, here we can see Gentar and Supra guarding the door from the inside since there are all ready guards guarding outside the door. Solar checking Boboiboy's vitals through the machine with the help of Sori, Taufan, Thorn & Blaze just playing on the floor, Frostfire, Glacier and Ice cuddling each other while napping on the couch, Halilintar leaning on a wall while his cap is covering his eyes and Gempa is sitting down on a chair beside Boboiboy's bed. "It's been three days, when will he wake up?" Thorn asked, gaining attention from his siblings, "We have no idea thorn, but im sure he will wake up, he is stubborn and reckless after all, not even death can take him" Gempa stated calmly "Please wake up Ori, don't die on us, don't leave us, not now, not this time, not on our watch" Solar thought since he doesn't want to change owner, none of them do they only want Boboiboy and OᑎᒪY him. Suddenly a groan can be heard, even the sleeping elementals awoken from their slumber from the sound, the voice they wanted to hear for days hoping for their owner to wake up, there they saw Boboiboy's brown eye's after three days of being in a coma.

•-----•✩ᗷOᗷOIᗷOY'Տ TᕼOᑌᘜᕼTՏ✩•-----•

H-huh?? What's going on? I hear whispers, what happened to me? I tried openining my eyes leading to no luck since my eyes is too tired and i can't even open them fully but only occured a glance to see blurry figures surronding the room, are those my Elementals? How lang have i been out? Questions after question kept flooding my mind, and is that a heart monitor I hear? The last thing i remember was heading towards the kitchen after telling ochobot that im gonna get water, it was night when i wanted to get myself some water, as i got to the tapops kitchen. I opened the fridge to get the water then i poured some water into my cup then left the cup in the counter walking towards the fridge to put the water back, once i closed the fridge and turned around i saw a shadowy figure but couldn't really catch a glimpse of it since it was so fast "Anyone there? " I called out but there was no one only silence "My mind must be playing with me" i thought once again as i drank the water, as i was about to put the cup on the counter i suddenly felt dizzy making the glass cup i was holding fall and then darkness consumed my vision and started to hear faint whispers.....

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