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The Chapter is taking quite a while since it has a planned story and if I rush it it's gonna be confusing and it's gonna be hard to understand, I have such a vast imagination and with everything I've been up to is making me have less time in making this book. If I'm being honest Chapter 8 and 9 aren't even done because of the plot I have in mind for this work of mine. And I don't know how many chapters this book is gonna have,tho thank you so, so much for understanding everything^^. Thank you for 4.26k Reads and 175 votes!

That's All, have more spoiler

So this is your suprise Solar?" said Ice. "This isn't even the real suprise" Solar said while grinning. "Is Everything already set up?" Gamma asked, seeing everyone nod, he himself nodded in understanding that they are finished.
"So plan in action to suprise Boboiboy is a go?" Thorn asked, "Yes Thorn" Rimba said.

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