Chapter 6

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The Mentioned Characters in This Story Rightfully Belongs To Monsta. None of the characters here belongs to me, im only borrowing them to make this fanfic!

Apology for not posting for weeks, i had my exam so i had to review, but now that our 1st quarter is over. I can have some time reading and continuing this book.

Alright Then Let's Get To The Story!


ᗷOᗷOIᗷOY'Տ ᑭOᐯ
I just got out of the room, leaving the room unoticed well except ochobot since he knew, i told him that i was gonna get some water and come back afterwards, im worried that the elementals will start to panic if they don't see me in sight, they had gotten the trauma ever since the battle between ret'taka. I was heading towards the kitchen when i feel like someone is watching me, but i just shrugged the feeling but still kept my guard up incase anything happens. I wouldn't want anyone to worry about me too much.

???:Heh,don't worry i'll make them worried, after what im gonna do to you.

ᑭᖇᗴՏᗴᑎT TIᗰᗴ:

ᑎO Oᑎᗴ'Տ ᑭOᐯ:
"What's taking boboiboy so long?" ochobot thought, "Ochobot you alright?" Mechabot said disturbing ochobot's deep thought "y-yea im fine, it's just..." "It's just what?" Halilintar asked suprising both power sphera's "Oh, Halilintar you suprised me haha" ochobot said in a nervous tone "don't change the topic ochobot" Halilintar said sternly causing all the other elements and amato to get curious on what's going on. "Is there something bothering you ochobot?" Gempa asked "Well... It's about boboiboy..."ochobot said in a worried tone" What about my son ochobot? Something wrong? Amato asked "That's the thing admiral....... He hasn't come back yet, he told me earlier that he is just gonna get water and he'll be back soon, but it's been hours im starting to get worried" Ochobot stated, causing all the elements to have their instincts on "Well then let's find him, what if something happened to him and he isn't even healed from his injuries!" Blaze said in panic and frustration, everyone couldn't help but think the same, they didn't even want to think worst that can happen to their son/brother. "Then let's go find Abang Boboiboy" Sori said, everyone agreed but before they could go outside of the room "ADMIRAL AMATO!" someone yelled bursting through the door, it was none other than Fang "F-fang what's wrong why are you screaming? Amato questioned
"Boboiboy he-he....." Fang said terror in his voice which made the others in the room worried, before fang got to say more Halilintar already dashed out of the room, leaving only a trail of red lightning, no one said a word they all rushed out of the room including fang with no time for explanation, once they all reached hali they all stopped, "Hali, what's wrong?" Gempa asked, Halilintar couldn't get a word out of his mouth stood still in fear and terror, halilintar just moved aside for everyone to see what was going on, but what they all saw was unexpected, there boboiboy laid on the floor unconscious, a broken glass next to him, with his mouth bleeding with gopal yelling his name and yaya and ying by his side trying to wake boboiboy aswell with tears and fear in their faces, if it wasn't for Amato's fatherly instinct he would have just stood their frozen, he hurriedly ran to his son kneeling down, gopal, yaya and ying moved aside for the admiral "H-hey boboiboy wake up! I don't like this, please wake up!" Amato said checking his son's pulse, "HE IS NOT BREATHING, CALL THE MEDICS!" Amato said in fear which made Gempa barked orders to his brother's "HALILINTAR, SOLAR BRING MEDICS  HERE NOW! THE OTHERS HELP WITH TRYING TO STABLIZE BOBOIBOY" Gempa yelled trying not to panic, the other's did as told without complaining "BOBOIBOY HANG IN THERE" Fang shouted, few minutes later Halilintar and Solar arrived with the medics, everyone moved out of the way, giving the medics some space to help boboiboy, he was rushed in the ER, everyone following the medics "Please don't come in yet" one of the nurses said, causing everyone to wait outside the ER "Abang/Boboiboy..." everyone thought worried for boboiboy. "this is all my fault" Ochobot said "It's not your fault ochobot" Yaya said "IT IS MY FAULT! IF I DIDN'T LET HIM GET THE WATER ALONE THEN NONE OF THIS WOULD HAPPEN" Ochobot yelled causing everyone to be surprised because this is their first time seeing ochobot mad "It wasn't ochobot, none of us expected this to happen" Glacier said "Glacier is right, any of us could have accompanied him, instead we all let him go alone" Supra said trying to comfort ochobot.

ᑭᖇᗴᐯIOᑌՏᒪY ᗷᗴᖴOᖇᗴ Tᕼᗴ IᑎᑕIᗪᗴᑎT:

"Hey ochobot where did ori go?" Gentar asked, causing everyone to look at ochobot and at the same time realising that boboiboy/ori is no where in sight, causing everyone to panic "He just went to get some water, he said he'll be back shortly" ochobot said "I have a bad feeling" Halilintar said in his mind causing gempa to notice his sudden behaviour "you alright brother?" Gempa asked the eldest, causing Halilintar to snap out of his thoughts "It's nothing" Halilintar said coldly "My guts is giving me a bad feeling...." Amato thought to himself.

ᑭᖇᗴՏᗴᑎT TIᗰᗴ:

ᑎO Oᑎᗴ'Տ ᑭOᐯ:
After Boboiboy got sent to the ER, everyone was waiting for the news, Halilintar pacing back and forth worried for his big brother, sori hugging supra, thorn hugging solar and ice sleeping next to glacier, blaze, taufan and frostfire, heads leaning on to eachother, gempa spacing out, gentar leaning on a wall while facing downward with his hat lowered only seeing his mouth, fang clenching his fist, yaya and ying cuddling eachother and gopal sitting beside the "y duo", Amato can't sit still while mechabot and ochobot is just still, no one hasn't spoke after boboiboy being brought to the ER.

After a While
The doctor came out of the ER, causing everyone to gain his attention, Amato went towards the doctor and asked "How's my son?" "Do not worry we manage to stabilize his condition, but we have bad news and good news to you, which one would you like to hear?" The Doctor asked, everyone was silent..........until "Bad News" Halilintar said coldly "The bad news is we found out what happened to him" the doctor said "And that is?" Supra said glaring at the doctor giving him chills, "His blood was poisoned" this made everyone shocked, how in the galaxy did he get poisoned when he is literally inside TAPOPS. "How about the good news?" Gempa asked politely but still has his aura, "The good news is we manage to remove the poison in his body, he is fine now he is just resting" The Doctor said. Everyone sighed in relief knowing boboiboy is now alright, "Can we go inside?" Ying asked "Of course he is in room - - - -" The Doctor said "Thank You very much" Glacier Said "Alright then I must be on my way, there is a button beside boboiboy's bed press it if anything happens" The Doctor stated, everyone nodded going inside the room where boboiboy is at.


This is it for this chapter. I tried my best making it long. Well that is for now......

Author Out

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