xxxxvi | whipped-lash

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The question popped out of my mouth the second I laid eyes on Vivian's solemn face. Even though I was over-the-moon that Kimberly finally opened up, there was a shit ton of emotional baggage she had.

Every time I think about everything she's been through, my heart breaks for her.

Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, it did. And that was a boatload of shit for just one person to deal with and take responsibility for.

I couldn't blame her for being the way she is.

In her position, who wouldn't be?

Vivian slipped onto the stool, leaning against the kitchen island. I passed her a glass of water, watching as she just sighed and accepted it.

I had to admit, it was weird seeing her as not just my wife's best friend, but also my best friend's new girlfriend. It was an imbalance of feeling terrified as shit in her presence and wanting to terrify her.

"She's taking a nap," Vivian finally responded. "She didn't cry as much as I expected her to. I think it was good for her to hear his words again, this time not plagued with the initial grief of losing him."

I nodded before proceeding cautiously. "What about you?"

"What about me?"

Yep, they're definitely best friends.

"How are you holding up?" I clarified.

Vivian looked taken aback by my question, not expecting me to ask about her state. I mean, I wasn't a monster. Even though Marcel was Kimberly's ex-boyfriend, he was also friends with Vivian. It was expected that seeing a dead friend's face would bring back painful memories.

"I don't know," she admitted, shrugging. "Marce was... something else. I thought I finally made peace with his death, but I miss him." She let out a short laugh, wiping at the tears that lined her eyes. "You remind me a lot of him, but simultaneously give me whiplash."

I raised a brow at her admission. "How so?"

Vivian turned serious. "If you repeat these words to anyone, I will rip your eyes out and replace them with your balls."


She took a deep breath. "I... apologize if this makes you uncomfortable, but Marcel used to look at Kim like she was the center of his universe. Like he couldn't believe someone like her existed. I see that when you look at her, but more importantly, I see it when she looks at you."

A stubborn blush crept up my face as a cheesy smile broke out. "Really?"

Kimberly may have affirmed her feelings for me many times in the last twenty-four hours, but it was a different sense of satisfaction to hear it from someone else.

Vivian looked close to throwing up. "This is disgusting, but yes. But you and Marce are complete opposites when it comes to personality. The sweet boy never cursed a day in his life. It was unnerving at first. Kim and I tried to at least get him to say shit, but the word just wouldn't come out of his mouth."

"What can I say? Around Kimberly, it comes out naturally," I snorted.

"That's another thing," she said. "He never bantered with her the way you do. Personally, I think it suits her better. And the way you defended her on Christmas... Marce didn't really do that. It wasn't because he didn't care, but he just kinda always went to her side first. I'll kill you if you repeat this, but I admire that about you. It's like you have faith that she'll find her way herself."

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