Just some morning chores, not!

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Witches before Wizards Pt 1

(Third Person POV)

"No, not him "

"The prophecy says it's him"

"He will not interfere"

"Take him away"

"Quickly, you have to leave."

"I love you [Y-"

[Y/N] woke up with a start and groaned as a migraine came over him.

"That was a weird dream," He muttered, rubbing his head as the headache subsided. He looked around and noticed that Luz was nowhere to be found.

"She's probably in the bathroom,"  he thought, shrugging as he pulled out his phone. It lit up showing a message from [F/M]


Morning [Y/N]. How's summer camp?

[Y/N] smiled a bit at the message. It was nice that [F/M] was thinking of him, but he still hesitated to send a reply.


Morning. It's okay so far and Lu seems to love it here.

Just as he sent the message, Luz burst into the room dressed in a black robe and pointy witch hat.

"Morning [Y/N]," she said smiling brightly.

"Morning Luz," he returned the smile but not as bright. He rose an eyebrow at her outfit choice. "What exactly are you wearing?"

"Witch clothes" she replied enthusiastically yanking him out of his sleeping bag, "There's an entire room full of them so we can match."

"No thanks. I'm just fine with my hoodies," he responded gathering his clothes before heading for the bathroom. Luz pouted as he left before yelling after him.

"You know you can't wear hoodies for the rest of your life, right?"

"Oh yeah. Watch me"

When [Y/N] went back to their room fully dressed he found Luz still holding her pout.

"Come along, witch apprentice" he playfully said as he grabbed a granola bar from his bag and went downstairs. Luz rolled her eyes at him but still followed him down.

Once they were down at the bottom of the stairs Luz squealed excitedly as she waited while [Y/N] munched on his snack. They heard approaching footsteps and a half-awake Eda stepped into view.

"Good morning, Eda the Owl Lady. We are ready for our first day of Witch Apprenticeship." Luz greeted the older witch as [Y/N] gave a small salute.

Eda groaned as she fixed her hair causing spiders to fall out of it. "Who are you two, again?"

Luz stared at Eda in horror while [Y/N] looked confused.

(Que la theme song)

"Remember us? Luz and [Y/N]? The human and newly found witch?" She asked as they followed Eda into the kitchen.

[Y/N] heard a whooshing sound behind him and instinctively pulled Luz out of the way as a mug flew through where her head was a moment before.

It landed in Eda's free hand as she used her other one to search around the fridge. Luz continued walking forward as Eda filled her mug with a red liquid that looked like blood.

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