A broken friendship with a side of lying calamari, please

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Witches before Wizards Pt 2

As soon as the trio got to the Owl House, Luz ran upstairs, knocking over a few things including a random baseball bat and cap, to prepare for their so-called 'quest'.

[Y/N] sighed at the brunette's excitement and dropped that day's sales on the center table and picked up the stuff before heading upstairs to their room. As soon as he saw it he groaned.

"How is it," he asked massaging his temples, "That we just got here no less than 3 minutes ago and yet our room looks like a freaking cyclone passed through it?"

Luz looked up happily. "Oh good, you're here." she answered completely ignoring his earlier statement. She finished sheathing the toy sword she was holding and kept it with the pile of supplies that was growing beside her.

"So, I was just asking King, what kind of Chosen One should I be?"

The demon perked up at his name before settling back on top of Luz's now rolled up sleeping bag.

[Y/N] looked at her confused. "What do you mean, kind of chosen one?"

Luz picked up her Good Witch Azura book as she spoke. "Well, you're the cool, smart one with occasional panic attacks," [Y/N] shrugged his shoulders at her analysis before replying with an "Okay fair."

"I don't know what kind of chosen one I should be. Should I be full of optimism and goodness, like the Good Witch Azura? Or," she switched her peppy look for a more serious, don't care expression, "Should I be like a bad girl Chosen One with black nail polish and a mysteriously withdrawn attitude?" She used the book as a mouth as she spoke "I act like I don't care, but I secretly do."

[Y/N] sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, "3 things actually. First thing, you haven't answered why our room looks like the aftermath of a break in. Secondly, Luz you don't need to change who you are. You're perfect just like this. And thirdly you're not going."

"Wha-" But before she could finish Eda walked in holding a severed blue monster arm.

"Oh, you guys talking about bad girls?" The older witch asked, bouncing her eyebrows. She then noticed the state of their room and the small death glare Luz was giving [Y/N]. "Wait, what's going on?"

King, finally adding himself to the conversation, spoke up, "Eda, tell Luz how dumb wizards are."

The older woman groaned as placed her hand on her hip, "Ugh! Wizards are the worst. Never trust a man in casual drapery." She explained nearly hitting King with the monster arm several times. She laced her fingers with the severed arm as her face became confused, "Why?"

"Your wizard client told Luz that she and [Y/N]," the demon started laughing half way through his sentence and fell onto the sleeping bag. "That they were... they were chosen ones." He finished pounding his fist onto the sleeping bag.

"Wait, wait, Luz and [Y/N]?" She snickered before breaking into full blown laughter and falling on the floor.

[Y/N] sighed, trying to act nonchalant, but was betrayed immediately by the bright blush coating his face to the tips of his ears.

"He even gave her a map." King added in between laughs. Luz frowned and hid her face behind her book, an embarrassed blush on her face.

The two finally paused their laughter as Eda stood up with a serious expression and walked towards them. "Let me see this map."

[Y/N] grabbed the rolled-up parchment from Luz and gave it to the witch, who inspected for a few moments before smirking.

"You guys didn't think this was real, did you?"

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