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Narrative pov, morning:

The next morning, Ranboo decided to take Tommy somewhere nice and just talk with him.

He knew Tommy liked sunsets and there was this cliff that over looks the town and Ranboo thought that'd be perfect for Tommy so he left the house to go set up.

------later in the day, getting Tommy to go-----

It was now later in the day, around the time Ranboo wanted to take Tommy.

"Hey Tommy" he says walking over to him

"Hi" he responds looking at him

"Get ready I'm bringing you somewhere" he says walking away

He says okay and gets ready. Once he was ready, Ranboo took his hand and walked to the place.

Tommy's pov:

Ranboo said he was bringing me somewhere. I was nervous because I still didn't know how I felt about him but I let him take me.

After a few minutes of walking, we came to a little picnic spot, looking over the Brighton Pier.

There was candy and junk food, sandwiches, chips, candy, lemonade and it was just all so beautiful.

The picnic

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The picnic


And the view was so absolutely beautiful. I couldn't believe it.
The sunset

 -------------------------------------The sunset

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At night

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At night

I look over at Ranboo and smile.

"This is so beautiful Ranboo. I love y- it" I say, almost saying I loved him. Wtf?!

He smiles and says your welcome and we enjoy the rest of the time 

My Angel ~ TombooWhere stories live. Discover now