6 ~ lots of calls and streams

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Narrative pov:

It's now two months later and Tommy's birthday is a month from today.

The two of them have been talking and Face timing every single day since Ranboo left the meetup but they weren't complaining.

Their fans are suspicious about them but are respectful of they're boundaries... some of them

Right now, Tommy's streaming with dream, his sister, and Ranboo

Tommy pov:

It has been 4 months since I seen Ranboo in person and I miss him. Right now I'm streaming with dreams sister and him and we're all just talking about random things when Ranboo says he has to leave.

"Okay bye lo- bye Ranboo" I said and he laughed and left the VC

Ranboo pov:

I was on Tommy's stream but said I had to leave to talk to Tubbo about something. That something being, surprising Tommy for his birthday

-----after the call with tubbo-----

We had just finished talking about the surprise when Tommy joined the VC.

"Hey you two" he says turning his camera on and us two doing the same

Now we had been talking for about 2-3 hours about the most random things when we all decided to head out and talk later.

It was perfect because now I could go shopping for Tommy's birthday.

Ranboo went to the store and bought Tommy's favorite food, soda, and stuff like that and then went to a jewelry store for something else that was gonna be very very important.

Ranboo bought a men's ring and had 'I love you with all my heart' engraved into it and got a box to put it in and was going to ask Tommy out and give that to him.

Once Ranboo got home, he took a picture of the ring and sent it to Tubbo with "got this for his birthday" attached too.

Ranboo was overly excited for this to happen and he couldn't wait.

He couldn't wait to be in a relationship with the boy he's loved for 1-2 years.

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