7 ~ birthday surprise pt 1

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Narrative pov

It was now Tommy's birthday month. It was now the 7th and his birthday was on the 9th and Ranboo was on his way to the airport to go back to the UK.

----timeskip to when he gets to the uk----

He had just landed in the UK and was looking around for Tubbo and after he found him, they went to Tubbo's house.

The plan was that Tommy will come the morning of his birthday, then tubbo drives Tommy to the spot him and Ranboo had their first date and he will ask Tommy to be his boyfriend and then they'll go to the town.

The next two days, the two sat around the house waiting for it to be the 9th and finally it came.

Ranboo woke up that morning and put on a red suit, grabbed the gift and the ring and left to the spot.

Around 10 am, Tommy arrived to Tubbo's and Tubbo told him to dress nice so he was also wearing a suit. 

After hanging out for a bit, Ranboo texted Tubbo saying he was ready so then tubbo and Tommy got into the car and Tubbo blindfolded Tommy and drove to the spot.

Once they were there, Tubbo got out then helped Tommy out and lead him to where Ranboo was.

It was the exact same thing that it was on the first date. Picnic and a lookout to the Brighton Pier.

After counting down, Tubbo took the blindfold off and Tommy gasped. There he was, tall 6'6 man, standing there in a red suit, no mask or gasses and holding a bag with gifts inside.

After realizing this was real, Tommy ran to Ranboo and hugged him tighter then ever

"I missed you so much!!!" Tommy said still hugging Ranboo

"I missed you too" Ranboo said pulling away.

He then hands the blond the bag. (The ring was in his pocket)

After opening everything, Ranboo figured it was time.

"Tommy..." He started and the blonde looked at him

"Yes?" He said looking at Ranboo

"Look. We've known each other for 1-2 years and ever since then I have been ever so in love with you. Your the best friend I could ever ask for. Your so funny and very handsome. I have loved you every day I have met you but I tried denying it. I tried ignoring the feeling but when your in love, you cant ignore it. Tommy, I love you. So much. So I have decided to ask you to be my boyfriend. Will you make me happy and be my boyfriend?" Ranboo finishes, pulling out the box with the ring.



HA CLIFFHANGER! Let me know if you guys are enjoying this so far and if I should continue! :)

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