The King's Obsession [Episode 19]

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Hana: Oh my god! The king was looking so hot when he came with you in his arms. You should feel lucky girl that he carried you.

- she said while squealing.

I look at her with a small smile.

Yn: I am thankful to him-

Hana: Just thankful? He saved your life 2 times like a majestic warrior.

Hana: you don't have any idea how many princess of Korea struggles to have his attention.

- I gulped as the weird feeling crawled in my stomach.

Hana: you are the luckiest girl after Lisa.

Yn: what are you saying?

Hana looked around the armoured soldiers and came close towards me.

Hana: the whole kingdom was jealous of Lisa. She was so close to the young king. Once the young king kissed her Infront of the whole royal family in the court room.

Yn: why are you telling me this?

Hana: he once carried you in the court room when queen Erica was accusing you.

Hana: does you both have somethin-

Yn: No! Never. The kiss between us never happe-

- I quickly closed my mouth when Hana narrowed her eyes and looked at me suspiciously.

Yn: I mean...we will never do such things like kissing and all that stuff.

Hana: yeah. After all you're the princess of daejeon, the kingdom that king hates the most.

Yn: *frowns* but why does he hate my kingdom?

Hana: I don't know.

Hana: maybe it's related to his elder Brothers illness.

Yn: illness? His elder brother?

Hana: yeah. During war how elder brother almost died. But he was saved by the king but he got injuries to his head and he don't remember his past.

Yn: is he in dungeon?

Hana: No. Why  would he be there?

Yn: I heard his scream late at night. It came from the underground passage. I think there might be the dungeon-

Hana: No! That's not dungeon. It's the locked room for him. Dungeon is begging the palace, deep underground, the main staircases near the queen Erica's chamber leads to it.

My feet stopped for a moment when I realized that I never checked the back side of the palace.

Hana looked at shocked me.

Hana: *frows* what happened?

I quickly shook my head and started to walk with her towards the Busan province. A playful smile cheered across my lips.

"I am just one step closer towards him."

" She almost told me the way for dungeon. I would make him escape through that hell."

"Jin never believed me. He thinks he was dead. But I knew that he wasn't."

1 year ago

Kim Palace, daejeon.

Yn: Jin! Jin!

- I called him while running towards him in excitement.

- Jin turned me around and looked at my crying face.

Jin: why are you crying?

Yn: these are happy tears.

Yn: look at this.

- I handed him a small latter.

Yn: a pigeon cane in my chamber with a small scroll tied on it's leg! Jinnie, the letter ris form him. It's his letter. He is alive.

Jin: what?!

- Jin quickly opened the small piece of paper and read the message.

"They have me in a underground cell. I need your help"

- Jin read it.

Jin: it's not his handwriting-

Yn: it is!

Jin: *scoff* yn, it can be someone's plan just to make another war between daejeon and Busan. This is not the first time we received a letter. We send them to Busan to clarify it and they would not hold the prince of Daejeon Captive.

Yn: you didn't tell me that you already recieved a letter from him?

Yn: *sigh* yn, we didn't want to stress-

Yn: stress? You and father never considered me as a part of this family after mom died-

Yn: yn, I for want this topic again.

Jin: and we already checked that it's not his handwriting-

Yn: it is! He is a ambidextrous. He can write with both hands.

Jin: we don't have any notes that are written by his other hand to clarify that the message we got is from him. And why he didn't try to write with the same handwriting that we are very well known about it?

Yn: maybe his right hand is injured and he tried to write with his left hand?

Jin: yn, you should not get into their matter.

Yn: why? Is it because I'm a girl?

Jin: No! Yh, you're not just a girl. You're a brave girl. Who will soon become a warrior.

Yn: warrior? Father and you never allowed me to learn the archery. You never allow me to go for hunting. It was only him who made me feel like a brave princess-

Jin: Yn!! I am just afraid to lose you.

Jin: and he is dead. Stop talking about him.

End of flashback

Jin: where are we?

Minho: noksan. We're close to Busan. Just a few miles close and I'll take my daughter back for tht devil.

Jin: park Jimin is getting on my nerves. He has to give her back to us otherwise he will lose his another precious thing. And I 2ill be the one whom will take it away from him.

Next day

Dungeon, Busan Palace.

???: I can already see his blood on my hands.

- he smirked while looking at his hands.

???: Once I am our of this cage, you'll be our of this world, Jimin.

Kim place, daegu.

Taehyung: I Know what will be her decision.

Yo go: taehyung, but Jennie liked Jungkook.

Taehyung: princess of daegu marrying a non-royal blood? That's absurd! She'll marry the king-

Jennie: No!

Jennie: I like Jungkook. I love him-

Taehyung: and he loves someone else, Jennie.

Jennie: No! I and marrying him only.

Taehyung: if Eric doesn't give her decision then I willet you marry Jungkook.

Jennie: you can't decide my own life-

Taehyung: If you want go according to my terms then I might kill your love boy.

Jennie: dorm draw to touch Jungkook.

Taehyung: then follow my terms. You are aware of what I am capable to do, Jennie.

Jennie: I hate you, brother. *Crying*

Taehyung: yeah,I hate myself too.

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