The King's Obsession [Episode 56]

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Hoseok's house, Daejeon.

Namjoon looked at Hara who was cooking lunch in the kitchen. His gaze went towards the little soul who was watching him while hiding behind the tree.

Namjoon took out his bracelet which was the gift for his unborn baby. Namjoon waved at the small kid to come near him and in surprise she slowly started to

walk near him.

Namjoon: This is for you.

-He said while tying it around her small wrist.

Miri smiled brightly and caressed the golden bracelet.

Miri: You came from palace? Namjoon: Yes.

Miri: Do you know where my Appa is Hoseok: Miri?! Go and play!

-Miri pouted and went away from them.

Hoseok let out a sigh and sat near Namjoon.

Hoseok: I am sorry. Miri is always a desperate child to see her father. Namjoon: *sighs* I know.

Hoseok: When are you planning to go back to Busan?

Namjoon: I guess, I should settle somewhere here. Daejeon is not bad.

Hoseok:*chuckled* You should.

-Miri suddenly came running towards Namjoon with a small flower in her hand.

Miri: Thanks for the gift, Joonie. This is my gift for you.

-Namjoon smiled and took flower from her hand.

Namjoon looked at Hoseok's smiling face.

Namjoon: It is my fault that Bogum died Hoseok: Don't blame yourself. We should not mourn about the things happened in past.

Namjoon: But Miri will never see her father in her life. Hoseok:*sighs* She will soon get a new father. Hara will marry someone in the future

Namjoon: Let me marry her, Hoseok.

-Hoseok looked at Namjoon in shock.

Hoseok: W-what? Namjoon: The peices of puzzles shattered by my small mistake. Now I want

the lost pieces to get together, Hoseok.

A tear left from Hoseok's eye. Hoseok hugged Namjoon as his emotions bursted in

his heart at the time.

Hoseok: T-thanks, Namjoon.

Jin came in his brother's room and saw him sitting on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Jin: You should eat something, Myungsoo. Myungsoo: Leave me, alone.

Jin went near him and sat beside him. Myungsoo: How it feels to be a King, Jin?

Jin: *smiles* It's exhausting.

Myungsoo: Why you aren't punishing for my karma, Jin? killed Bogum Jin: You already got your punishment, Myungsoo. You been through a lot and you lost your love.

Jin: Everyone should have a second chance. Come and have a lunch with me.

-Myungsoo got up and faced his brother and smiled.

Seok-joon: Tomorrow there will be carnations of Yoongi.

-Taehyung looked at his father in disbelief.

His father looked at Taehyung and took out a familiar bottle. Seok-joon: You do a black magic, Taehyung?

-Taehyung's heart dropped in his stomach when he looked at his spiritual bottle in his father's hand

Seok-joon: You know a man with spiritual power can't be the King. People will afraid of you, they will question your abilities. I can't let a wizard take my place.

Taehyung: Where did you get this bottle? Seok-joon: Jennie find it in your room.

-Taehyung glared at her sister making her scared.

Yoongi: But father

-Taehyung kept his hand on his brother's shoulder and shook his head.

Taehyung: You're a brave warrior, Yoongi. You're the right person to be the King, not me.

-With that Taehyung made his steps out of the room.

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