The King's Obsession [Episode 38]

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Lisa: *smiles* You look so much nice with that crown on your head.

-Lisa smiled and caressed the King's cheek while staring at him, in his eyes.

Lisa leaned forward and pressed her lips on his. Jimin grabbed her tiny waist, pulling

her closer on his laps. His heart wasn't in the right place when he kissed his first love.

He expected to hear a soft moan of a euphonius voice, of his dove which used to

make shivers to run down his spine. But instead hearing Lisa's moan, his mind

snapped out making him to break the kiss.

Lisa: What happened, Jimin? You don't like it? Jimin: It's not like that, Lisa. It's just- we're going too fast.

Y/n: You weren't going too fast, master.

-Lisa quickly got up from his laps and turned around towards you who were standing

next to the door.

Jimin got up and locked his gaze with you. Y/n: You were three years away from eachother. You both waited too long, isn't it? So, why to hesitate to kiss eachother?

Lisa: I-I should go

Y/n: Don't go, princess. I just came here to say please lock up the door before you start your personal things.

Jimin: Y/n, wait!

Y/n: Need something, master?

Jimin: Y/n, wait!

Y/n: Need something, master?

Jimin: I need to talk to you.

Y/n: There's nothing to talk, master. I will take my leave.

-You quickly made your steps out of his room making Jimin frustrate.

You marched through the cold floor, heading towards kitchen.

Y/n: How dare she kissed my man?

-You mumbled as you felt heart broken and anger at the same time.

Y/n: I hate that dickhead! Bastard, asshole, moron ???: Woah, woah! You seem angry, Y/n.

-You turned around towards the familiar voice and saw his smiling face.

Y/n: Jungkook?

-You hugged him as you felt happy seeing your only friend standing infront of you.

Y/n: H-I am so sorry, Jungkook-ah! I am such a bad girl. I rejected your proposal for dinner. Jungkook: "chuckled" It's alright, Y/n.

Jungkook felt your grip around his neck getting tighter. Jungkook tried to break hug but instead you hugged him tighter. Jungkook: Y/n, are you okay?

It's been a long time you hugged someone, someone that cared about you. Jin was the one who used to give you warm hugs when you were on the verge of crying. Y/n: I need to go back, Jungkook.

Jungkook: Are you crying?

-He asked when he heard some sniffles coming from you.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you back. Y/n: I don't want to stay here, Jungkookie. I need to go back. I need Hoseokie, Jinie with me. I missed them.

Jungkook's heart broke as you mentioned going back to Daejeon. Jungkook: I will try to send you back, Y/n. I will talk to hyung. Y/n: Y-you will?

Jungkook kissed on your head and smiled.

Jungkook: Yes. I don't want to see you here breaking down.

-Jungkook broke the hug and wiped away your tears. Jungkook: I don't want to lose this friendship, Y/n. I wasn't thinking wisely this past

days. But after losing Rose, I realised that love can be in different ways. I loved my cousin.

Jungkook: And love you too. I don't care what we are. Friends or companions or partners. I am happy as long as you stay by my side.

-jungkook said while caressing your head.

Jungkook cupped your cheeks and continued. Jungkook: I will try to talk with hyung, okay?

Y/n: *smiles* Okay.

Time skips

Hana: What?! You want to go back to Daejeon?

-Hana asked loudly, obviously being shocked.

Hana scooted close to you and whispered. Hana: Don't tell me you will just let that ghost princess to take our King?

Y/n: Ghost princess?

Hana: Yeah. She's a ghost. Nobody could survive if they would have fallen from that

cliff. Y/n: *chuckled* If King really loves me, he will try to stop me.

Hana: And what if he doesn't stop you? Y/n: It's his lose.

Hana: Then why don't you marry our prince Jungkook? Y/n: W-what? No! Princess Jennie already likes him and she's perfect for him.

Y/n: And if the King stops me, I will still go back to my province. He already said that there's no future for us. Hana: *chuckled* Wish I was the King. Trust me, would've never let you go.

Y/n: *chuckled* That's very sweet of you

-Suddenly the doors of the kitchen flung opened revealing the angry King.

His eyes scanned the room and found you sitting with Hana. Jimin: Everyone out!

-Everyone stood up as the King's voice roared in the kitchen.

You grabbed Hana's arm and shook your head. Y/n: Don't leave me here

Hana: Let me go. And talk to him.

-Hana whispered and quickly went out of the kitchen.

The King closed and locked the door before walking near you. A slight fear crawled in your stomach as his dark eyes stared at you.

Y/n: I already told you that there's nothing to talk!

-You moved back as he kept walking near you.

A small gasp left from your lips when your back hit the wall. Your heart pounded in your ribcage as his face was few inches away from yours.

He grabbed your jaws and pulled you closer. His jaws clenched in anger, his dark

eyes staring at you with rage.

Jimin: You want to leave this palace? Huh?

Y/n: Yes. I want to go back to Daejeon. Jimin: I already told you that you came here according to your will and will go according to mine.

You shoved off his hand and glared at him.

Y/n: Why you need me here? Now Lisa is here. You don't need a replacement.

You tried to walk away but his strong grip didn't let go.

Y/n: Let me go, Jimin! Otherwise, I will scream!

Jimin: You never was a replacement, Y/n. Y/n: Please, let me go! I don't want to talk to you.

Jimin: Didn't you say that you won't leave me

Y/n: Things are now different, Jimin. You've Lisa. Jimin: I want you, dove.

-You heart stopped for a moment when he finally confessed.

Jimin stared in your eyes while his thumb played with your lower lip. Jimin: I want only you. You will not leave this palace, dove.

Y/n: Y-you didn't think about this when you kissed her?

-You pushed the King away from you.

Y/n: I hate you

-Jimin grabbed your arm and started to drag you towards his room.

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