The King's Obsession Ending

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As Thucydides said, "Love of power, operating through greed and through personal ambition, was the cause of all these evils. "Taehyung had himself be eaten by immorality. Making his soul be caged through darkness let wrong shone to his lightness for things that had him gone to lost his conscience. Looking upon his character being a great warrior prince means he had a rough past yet connected with Y/N that made him want her and having his feelings bliss. Seeing this side of him you can tell that his character that built with evil, strength and intelligence also appears to be just lost within the light. That he also had goodness yet fail to witness good. Jimin, on the other hand, as a King who had with a young age lost love and been used yet played by the people he should trust has impacted his persona of learning to let anger unconsciously consume him and by chance doing things that he would regret. Also, triggering the dark side of his heart because of what had happened to Lisa, making him be obsessive. Yet beyond every pain and betrayal... He just wants to be loved truly and with security. Witnessing their characters in this FF shed light that " Love can be dangerous if trigger with evil, yet also the key of the truth that will set you free from the shadows ... "
Pieces by pieces the haunting past that led them to

always hold back will now face their demons... It's fascinating to see Y/N's role to be a concept of lightness and love. She represents herself as a figure of desire yet carved with puzzles of emotions that makes her an' apple of the eye'. Looking through Taehyung's sketchbook filled with his unraveled story which highlights his love that perished and see the glimpsing brightness into the black shadows of love that been his perspectives in life. Honestly speaking, Taehyung takes Y/N as his expression to the untouched reflection he kept hidden from his humanity and individuality that yet to be reveal as a weakness instead of a strength, for his now in the verge of destroying himself. The princess of Daejeon takes that light to help Taehyung to realize it before it's all too late as Lisa have mention of the upcoming bloody war ahead to be seen and tainted the hands with sins. Knots of errors made by the roots that been past on the fruits has the fate of their bursting anger and hatred to be settled, in a devastating manifestation. Because it's a situation, to be sacrifice or to sacrifice. Leading their own self-motivations, everything is at stake. I only hope that Jimin's proclivity for his desire to have Y/N and Jungkook back would take routes in making all mistakes right as his responsibility as the King that would spread peace and end loathe that made all Kingdoms cries in agony.

In the standard deck of cards, there are the (Clubs) who represents the peasants which provide the all Kingdoms the work and builds the major foundation of the society it gestures to serve yet nurture. (Diamonds) tells wealth and class for it stands the prosperous that has the capacity to bridge knowledge and pleasure in desires. (Hearts) lights the face of the Holy Trinity or the religion which unites as well as spreads goodness within the soul who seeks hope or the Holy Grail. (Spades) the Herculean symbol of the brave and loyal knights that establishes the army of the Kingdom. While, on the other hand, there are also the (Queen) that each presents Erica as (Queen of Spades) a guileful and egotistical royal which puts her actions for her own advantages that eventually like in the games give a winning ticket or a losing streak. Luna gives the shine of the (Queen of Clubs) wherein takes the luminosity in the side of compassion and sympathy that carries through the land for her absolutely delicate heart for the needy. Taehyung's Mother, highlights the spotlight of the (Queen of Diamonds) 'cause like it's card it raise the creation of her glowing powers because in her interest in Black Magic that made his son inherited as a gift but mostly as a curse that could forcefully end him by the whisper of the taunting dusk. Last but not the least, the upcoming Queen of Busan, Y/N is the representative of the (Queen of Busan, Y/N is the representative of the (Queen of Hearts) for her vivid purity of innocence and love that touches everyone's heart to pursue second chance to give in within the calling dove. A grace of a Queen that matches the powerful ace. Likewise, Myungsoo is the (King of Spades) wounded with a crying taste of revenge because of the false accusation and being hidden from every single ones he loves for a forbidding love takes to be a sin. Jungkook as a (King of Clubs) who been judged of a coward yet bound to thrive in earning the honor of a worthy-entitlement of being the Prince of Busan. Yoongi living among his ingenious brother and fragile sister has maintain the authority of locking secrets and fighting with pride who suits the (King of Diamonds). Lisa who titles the (Jack) that serves her purpose in earning vengeance has fueled to its limits of no return just like Taehyung. If you'll take part the (Joker) in even its presence has already vanished you'll see that in the games it's the one represents the one playing the tricks the decoy mastermind that threats destruction and failure. Within this card game, who obviously Jimin is the (Ace) for he holds the last final streak to take the triumph or like the house of cards are bound to fall apart.
But remember, without the importance of the Queen the game will only prevail to sink. the house of cards will happen and these three cards will be the foundation who'll flip the table and made the destined path to change.

Erica died why because she was greedy thought only about herself evil has to pay for his sins. The person who she destroyed was taehyung's mom now tae killed her with his own hands that's called karma even tho she was a bit guilty because bogum died her greed never vanished she was still like her old self . Lisa died why.... because she was too blinded by revenge that she couldn't think what's right and wrong her rage was too much. Even tho jungkook loves y/n he let her go because if he dint he would hurt himself because he cant force her to love him. Now he is proving the people of Busan that he isn't a coward prince, he is just brave like his brother. Myngsoo was too much blinded in love because of it he lost his father, his love. And now of he goes back to his kingdom safely they will also hate him. Hoesok was fighting only for his sister so she could be happy with her lover and child but hoseok dint know the truth so he just came in the battlefield with two aims first take bogum and y/n second destroy the kingdom who killed their king..... but when he knew all this was just waste he was filled with guilt.. guilt for killing so many people that to because a traitor ordered him so he immediately surrendered. They all are now filled with regret. Regret is a huge emotion it wont let you breathe properly because your always reminded of the sins which you committed. Now moving on taehyung that man filled his desire his aim by killing the queen his revenge was complete his soul should be satisfied but still he needed y/n now here again he is becoming greedy. Greed wont lead him to anything except his own destruction.

Jungkook regrets not marrying jennie and now he proved himself as a warrior and is going to let go y/n and love jennie because he realised his mistake. Myngsoo already got his punishment, his karma guilt is eating him alive that's why he dint take the throne regret is all he can feel. Jin is happy that his sister is fine and is now trying to heal his brother and be a great king.Namjoon decided to marry hara because she was also just like him a broken soul he knew the pain of losing a lover he will try his best to heal her and himself and miri will also be happy. Hobi is also happy because his sister is fine and now he can live his life happily. I was so sad when tae killed himself bcs even tho he was greedy he became like that because of people around him. No one loved him and he felt lonely. So he thought maybe power could make him happy but no it dint And in the end he dint get the trone too that's why he killed himself he lost hope to be happy. He accepted that he was evil and he has to end so that new start could begin. Just like his mother he too ended himself I seriously feel so sad he just wanted love and this happens to him the way he said "I am missing my mom" it was so heartbreaking. Maybe that's why he got another chance to live happily and hope he gets what he wants. And now jimin is filled with so much sadness his cousin left him, best friend, his first love left him, his mum left him and now tae left him. He must feel so lonely and betrayed because his own mother killed 2 precious people to him but I know y/n will take care of him and heal him they will be happy. It is so heartbreaking to him he was always betrayed. Y/n was also heartbroken because tae meant someone to her she cared for him and it must be hard for her too because she must also feel pity towards him for loving wrong person. But she was just like a dove beautiful and kind she was a strong woman she heals everyone around her and becomes their strength I know she and jimin will love happily. Erica killed many innocent she died because she was evil same goes to lisa who was too blinded by revenge. Evil never wins they pay for their sins. And hopefully life will give us a good start if you do good deeds. Tae suffered a lot and he got another chance to have a happy life(dont forget his first love apple). Jimin and his dove are happy too. Their deeds reflected their fates.

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