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Still figuring out how to keep living without ya
It's got a little better, but it's still hard


Y/N pulled out of our hug first, wiping tears from her face. "How about we get some food in ya? You must be hungry?" I hate seeing other people cry, especially for me. I go to say no, but the monster inside of me answers. I smiled, embarrassed, and answer, "Yes, I think I am." Y/N and I get up simultaneously, causing Y/N to turn to me. "What are you doing?" I look at her, a little stunned. "I was gonna help with lunch?" Y/N puts her hands on my shoulders and gently pushes me back onto the couch. "I don't think so, Chase. You've had a rough morning, and you want us to have today together, so first, let me make you lunch, and then let's plan the day. All you have to do is sit down on your pretty little butt and let me take care of you. It hurts me to see you so upset. So please let me." Hearing Y/N speak with such care about me makes me want to cry all over again. But instead, I obey her and sit on 'my pretty little butt.'

"May I ask what you're making?" I ask as I watch Y/N walk into my kitchen. "Sure, you may ask, but I'm not going to tell you!" She laughs to herself, and I find myself smiling while watching her.


Y/N looking like a lost puppy in my kitchen is beyond cute. I'm so appreciative of Y/N for taking action in wanting to turn my day around. It warms my heart to know that I have someone like her, at least for a moment. But at the same time, I want to help her. I can tell she's struggling to find certain things and mumbling to herself about what to cook.

"It's rude to stare," Y/N says with her back still facing me. How did she know? "Sorry, I have such a good-looking chef in my kitchen." Nice cover. Well, also not a lie. Y/N turns her head slightly towards me. "Is that all?" She gives a cheeky smile. "And maybeeeeee I want to help? You just seem lost."

"Don't even think about it, Liz!" Y/N states firmly. I get up and start inching my way closer to her. "Well, what are you going to do about it?" I raise an eyebrow. Y/N turns herself away from the stovetop and puts her eyes on my body. Oh, wait. Now she's coming towards me! "You really wanna know?"

I feel a hitch in my breath as we both step closer. "Yes." She places her hands on the sides of my waist, pulling me closer. Fuck why do her hands feel so good? "If you let me take care of you today." She replies in a husky whisper. Her hands travel up my body to my face.

"Then." Her lips land on my throat.

"You'll get." Now she's leaving a trail of kisses down my neck.

"More." She pulls my body closer as she squats down in front of me. Working her way down my stomach. I close my eyes and throw my head back. How does this feel so good?! Her hands have now reached the top of my shorts. She is ever so gently pulling them down.

"Of this." She stops herself, getting up and leaving me wanting more. Before I even open my eyes, I hear her already back in the kitchen.

"What the fuck was that?" I didn't mean to snap, but she knows what she is doing! Y/N turns to face me. Innocence is written all over her. "What are you talking about, Liz?" I chuckle at her expression; she is so naughty and cute. Fuck Y/N will be the death of me.

I huff and walk back into the living room, plopping myself further into the couch. "Fine! I won't help you even though you could have had such a beautiful sou chef!" I shout. "There will be another time. Thank you for being a good girl." Y/N shoots back, causing my mouth to drop, but I can't let her see. She's having too much fun. "Lunch shouldn't be too much longer." I nod before realizing she can't see that. "Okay!"

Alright, I can't just stare at Y/N all day. A part of me knows; I for sure could! But I shouldn't. I need to divert my attention elsewhere. I want to find my phone before remembering that it might be the last thing I want to look at right now. I could try and find something on the TV, but I don't know... Oh, I know!

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