Spider (Dates)

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Spider super fucking normal
I ain't afraid of no

A/N: Let me know if this okay.


"Alright, come on, Y/N. Run it one more time. We only got the space for...8 more minutes." I hear a chuckle as I flip Marlana off before her voice disconnects from the booth I'm in.

I take a deep breath before sending a thumbs up to the few people on the other side of the glass.

This song has been killing me for the last two months. Between learning how to play the piano and placing the right words for this song, it's been the opposite of easy. Robbie has offered to help, but I've been very close guarded when it comes to this track.

It's Goodbye.

The one I thought up the night Liz told me we couldn't be together.

So that's why. But also, I want to see the awe on people's faces when they hear it Saturday night.

Especially hers.

Before you ask, yes, we've seen each other since I texted her about the paparazzi pictures. It's going good.

Well it was.

Anyways I'm getting ahead of myself.


Eight Weeks Ago


Aubs POV

"So when do you want to go drop off the guitar?"

Lizzie shrugs next to me. "We can do it sometime in the afternoon." Lizzie looks back down at her phone. "Okay. Be sure to text Y/N back."

Lizzie clicks on a playlist we put together years ago and blushes.

"I just did."


After my second shower of the morning, I find myself parked at James' countertop, eating a bagel sandwich and downing a latte from a shop not too far from here. I was lucky they opened as I was running by because my stomach was starting to become real upset with me.

As I scroll down the never-ending thing that is social media, I'm pretty surprised not to see Robbie, mine, or Elizabeth's name trending. Trust me, I don't want the attention, but after last night I was kinda expecting it. But that's not to say that pictures are starting to circulate.

There's one of Robbie and me at the restaurant.

Here's one of us getting into James' car. Oh, and another.

I roll my eyes as and laugh as I look through the tweets and quote tweets.

Is Walmart Jesus really with Y/N Y/L/N now?!? Eww

Y/N looks so pretty, but wtf is going on here

save Y/N!!

can we just agree that robbie looks healthier now

I close my phone out as I toss the last bite of the bagel into my mouth. Fuck. Bagels might be my latest food obsession now.

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