Don't Wanna Know

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Do I have your attention?
Yes, or no?


A/N: For the sake of this chapter, Y/N's text will look like this during the text conversation.


I don't even know when I got to the hotel last night. Correction this morning! I decided to stay at a hotel before I landed because the only place I have across the pond is the house I rented/am renting with Robbie. While yes, Robbie and I are okay right now. I don't want to go to a place that will bring up all kinds of memories.

Now the people that know me know I'm a morning person. I love getting an early start, so by the time the afternoon rolls around, I have a good chunk of the day to relax, garden, and do whatever my little heart desires.

However, I am NOT a morning person after a flight that crosses one country and an ocean to get me to my destination, and if there's anything I hate more than flying, it's whatever the hell is waking me up right now!

I angrily groan awake and turn to the noise that has disrupted my slumber. It's my phone—what a frustrating surprise. God knows I want to reach over and smash it, but that'd be one more mess to add to the pile. So like the big girl I am, I reach over and yank it off its charger.

"I swear this better be- Y/N!"

I didn't even process the message they sent to me; I'm in shock. My body goes from being a zombie to frozen to the energizer bunny. I throw my phone down in a mix of excitement and anxiousness. "Oh fuck." I position myself up in my bed and throw my back against the headboard. I haven't felt this way in... ever?

My text tone rings out again. Okay. Okay! I wanted this. I wanted her to contact me. I take a huge breath and exhale as I flip my phone over and bring it to my face.

"What?" The more I read the texts coming through, the more confused I get. Why is she texting me now? At 7 am? Oh, wait. It's 2 am for her. I slap a hand to my forehead, closing my eyes, groaning. Fuck.

I open my eyes to re-read and continue reading.

✨ Coffee Girl ✨
Tues Apr 6th, 8:38 PM

Missing you already
Lmaoo that weird?
Anyways made it home! 😊

Tues Apr 6th, 11:23 PM

Olsen. We need to talk.

When were you going to tell me?
How many more lies are you keeping from me?
Took a look at your wiki ENGAGED since 2019, huh?

I don't feel you.

✨ Coffee Girl ✨
7:04 AM

Were dif yoi go?
I misse you tonighht
Please t est me bavk
Indidnt mean to upset you ifI did

I get to a point where I just shut my eyes and sigh. She's drunk. She's drunk texting me and probably doesn't even realize it.

But how does the saying go, a drunk mind speaks a sober heart? So is that what's happening here? I open my eyes. If she's actually trying to reach out, then I want to do the same. I'll be clear so that she can see I tried when she is sober.

Y/N, please tell me you're somewhere safe.
I miss you like crazy.

Yes in safe
If you misss me wy did you leavd

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