Look Who's Inside Again

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Went out to look for a reason to hide again
Well, well

A/N: Sorry for the wait! I got married last Friday, and I've been enjoying my mini honeymoon!


Well, it's been four days since I left Liz's.

After coming home, I found Max still waiting for me in the exact place I had left her. Well, that's not true because when I entered the room, she turned off whatever Marvel movie she was watching. I think I saw the catsuit guy again? But still being the best friend that she is, she let me let everything out. Liz. Robbie. Everything.

She didn't stop there. She helped me get change and stayed with me that night, too, and the following day I woke up to her giving me breakfast in bed. Eggs, toast, pancakes. The usual. I know Max didn't mean to, but she reminded me of Liz.

I tried to eat as much as I could, but I embarrassingly left much of it on the plate. Max understood and saved the rest for the next day.

But when the next day came along with the one after, I still couldn't bring myself to eat it. I couldn't eat much at all or even bring myself to work. Max told me she, Alec, and whoever else would be covering me as much as they could. Because, and I quote, "Elizabeth Olsen can suck it."

Is that mean? Maybe a little? However, is my friend wrong? I honestly don't know. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around that. But one thing remains. I haven't heard from Liz since. I know what I told her. But that doesn't stop my brain from feeling split.

I am immensely hurt not to hear any fucking thing from her. On the flip side, I'm not standing in between two people. I'm not hurting someone else. But even that stings because that means Liz is happy, and fuck, if Liz is happy, then I'm happy. Right?

However, me telling Liz not to contact me doesn't stop the world from letting me know what she is up to. The morning Max made me breakfast and left I had Twitter hit me over the head with this lovely article title:


Safe to say, I didn't read what the actual article had to talk about. And as much as I wanted to do. I didn't look at the picture that was attached. I knew I would be done the second I saw her green eyes.

So who knows what that article had to say? I do know that Robbie's name was trending later that day for whatever reason. Good for him, I guess? I know I'm being snippy, but I do wish him the best. The last look I saw in his eyes was filled with everything but pure happiness.

So anyways, four days later, look who's inside again—still hiding from the outside.

I grab my phone and let out a frustrated sigh. I have at least 36 minutes till I have to get out of bed and drag my ass to work. Max can only cover for me for so long, and my tiny one-bedroom apartment still costs me a fortune. Savings can only get me so far, but like Taylor Swift said, Welcome to New York!

I took another look at my phone. Now it's 35 minutes till I have to leave. I put my head down and loudly groan into my pillow. I let my mind try to work itself up.

Okay, Y/N, get it together. You need to get up to make some money, Y/N! I sniff myself. Once again, thank goodness I don't own a dog. I'm pretty sure it would've keeled over from the stench coming off of me. Alright, so get up and then shower!

I lift my upper half from the mattress. I look around my room and chuckle at the state of disaster that I see. Clothes thrown about. Crumbs and cups are left on the floor. Hell, even my sideways laptop is still playing New Girl on mute.

On the Inside with Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now