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      "MIKE? ARE YOU THERE? OVER." Will spoke into his walkie-talkie. Nothing but static came from it, and he sighed. It was 2 AM, why did he expect him to be awake? Well, it was less of expectance and more of hope that the other was still awake. After wracking his brain for hours on what he should do, he decided to not tell everyone, but tell one person: Mike, the person he trusted the most. He told Mike pretty much all of his problems (associated with the Upside Down), and trusted him not to tell anyone else.

      As more silence was the only response from the walkie, he thought about maybe just going to bed and telling him tomorrow. By then, though, he would've probably changed his mind by overthinking everything all night and not getting any sleep. Right as he was about to shut off the walkie, he heard a voice coming from it. A slight smile formed on his lips as he immediately recognized this voice.

      "Will? Did you need me? Over.." Mike's voice came through the device, his voice sounding groggy, like he just woke up. Will stayed quiet for a moment before finally deciding to speak.

      "Uh, yeah," He started, wetting his lips nervously. "I need to talk to you about something that's worrying me. Over." He added on, wondering if Mike would even care enough to here about his problem.

      "Yeah, sure. When and where do you wanna talk about this? Over." He heard Mike yawn from the other side of walkie and couldn't help but grin. He felt like it was stupid, but a simple yawn from the other boy started to reassure him of his worries about everything.

"Whenever you want, I don't really mind. Over." Will answered, hoping that the other boy already had an answer in mind.

"We can meet right now at your house. If you don't mind! Over." Mike quickly added the last part on, and Will thought it was quite funny that he panicked like that for no reason.

"Yeah, that's fine with me," Will smiled before continuing. "See you in a few. Over and out." He said, getting up and turning off the device in his hands. He softly threw it onto his bed and left his room, going to sit in the living room while he waited for Mike to show up. The wait was agonizing as the dread of what this meeting was for finally settled over him, his anxiety quickening his heart rate.

What brought him out of his thoughts was the sound of very soft knocking on his front door, which he hurried to open. "Hey," Mike greeted him quietly. "I got here as fast as I could." He said, clearly trying to steady his rapid breath. Will moved out of the way, signaling for him to come inside as he shut the door behind him. Silently, the two walked to Will's room and sat on his bed after the door had been closed.

      "So," Mike broke the silence looking over at Will. "What did you wanna talk about?" It wasn't until now that he had realized Mike was still wearing his pajamas, meaning he must've rushed over here immediately after their conversation on the walkie.

      "Well," Will took a deep breath in, the panic starting to settle in. Still, he pushed that aside and mustered the courage to speak. "It started earlier today. I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, and I saw that my nose was bleeding. I didn't think anything of it at first, but then I remembered that nosebleeds are one of the symptoms of Vecna's victims before they die." He explained, the air suddenly turning extremely heavy from the weight of his words.

Mike's expression visibly faltered as he took a deep and sudden inhale. His face was devoid of color, and was instead filled with panic and worry. "Are you sure that's why you got a nosebleed? It wasn't anything else?" He attempted to suggest other reasons as to why that happened.

      "I don't know, but that's why I only wanted to tell you. That way someone knows in case it is something, but we also don't make a big deal out of this if it's just nothing." Will explained, making eye contact with Mike for a brief moment before looking away. "Also, you're the person I trust the most." He said the second part quietly and hesitantly, but it wasn't quiet enough for Mike not to hear it.

      All of a sudden, Will felt something soft grasp his hand. As he looked down, he realized it was Mike's hand. Mike Wheeler was holding hands with him. "Well, no matter if this is or isn't something, I will be here for you. If anything even slightly weird happens to you, tell me right away so we know if this is serious or not." He said, accompanied with the usual smile he gave Will. Will smiled back and Mike squeezed his hand before letting go.

"Yeah," Will's heart was rapid as he looked completely away from the other boy, a slight warmth spreading onto his face. "You'll be the first to know."

      "Do you want me to stay here? In case something bad happens..." The raven haired boy asked suddenly. "It's also really late and me heading home might not be the safest thing, especially with all the shit that's happened." Will nodded in agreement, for he knew too well how unsafe it is to head home alone at night.

      "Yeah, that's fine. I'm tired anyways.." The two laughed the slightest bit as Mike stood up from the bed and started setting up a place to sleep on the floor, Will providing him with a few pillows and a blanket. The two each got comfortable in their own areas as an overwhelming silence roamed throughout the room. Will wanted to ask the other to ditch the makeshift bed and just share with him, but that would just be too awkward. Plus, what if he declined the offer? That would be even worse.

      "Goodnight, Will." Mike whispered, loud enough for the other boy to hear it.

      "Goodnight..." He mumbled out a response, closing his eyes and attempting to find sleep.

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