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VINES were wrapped around his neck and arms, preventing him from moving or breathing regularly. Vecna stood in front of him, his figure looming over Will. He really, really hopes that their plan worked and that his friends were about to attack Vecna at any moment. So far, there were no signs of anyone hurting the demon, or trying to save Will. Vecna was rambling on, attempting to intimidate him, but he wasn't listening. He was waiting to hear music so he could get out of there.

❦ ❦ ❦

Mike had finished eating the leftover lasagna that had been brought to him by Joyce, and saw that Will had finished his too. He really wanted to start a conversation with him, but just didn't know what to talk about. Well, small talk can usually start a good conversation, right?

"Hey, Will," He started, waiting a response from the brunette boy next to him. All he heard was silence. "Will?" He asked once again, to hear nothing again. He got up off of the couch and stood in front of him, finally seeing why he hadn't responded. Will's eyes were shaking as he sat there, unresponsive.

"Guys! Signal the others, Will's being attacked!" He shouted out to everyone else in the house, who did as they were told before gathering around Will in the living room. Everyone had panicked looks on their faces, wondering if their whole plan was actually going to work. Mike was still in front of Will, holding the other boy's walkman, ready to play music as soon as he started floating.

Before he knew it, Will had started lifting up from his seat on the couch, floating above everyone in the room. Ignoring anything else, Mike rushed to put the headphones on Will and started playing his favorite song. For a while, nothing happened, leaving the raven haired boy confused. Why wasn't it working? Why was Will still in there, and still floating?

"Why isn't it working?" He shouted out, all of the others were just as confused as he was. "I know that's his favorite song, he told me! It should be working!" Mike was getting more and more frantic by the second, which certainly wasn't helping the situation. Everyone was panicking; something must have went wrong, and now Will was in danger.

❦ ❦ ❦

Will's panic only worsened as he noticed Vecna's decomposed claw slowly make its way towards his face. His breath was quick and unsteady as sweat formed all throughout his body. Any second now, it would be the end of his life. This was the reality he had quickly accepted as he closed his eyes tight, bracing himself for certain death.

Suddenly, he heard a faint noise, shaking him from his thoughts of death and pain. When he opened his eyes, he saw a faint white light outlining his friends and family surrounding his levitating body, along with sound of his favorite song Boys Don't Cry. All of them were panicked and worried, shouting for him to get out of there.

Vecna turned around, a clear grimace on his face. Horrible memories of his past and his present rapidly spread through his mind, most likely Vecna's doing, but that didn't cross Will's mind in his current vulnerable state. He attempted to restrain a desperate sob, but it didn't do much. The memories mixed with the feeling of death being so close by and his restricted breathing.

The faint vision wasn't being received by Will at all, at this point. He had officially given up, and didn't have the strength to fight. It all felt so useless to him.

"Will, please! I- I can't lose you!" He somewhat heard Mike shout. Will's heart tattered for a moment. Mike's caring and concerned words got to him a bit. Did he really mean what he said? "I know I've made shitty decisions in the past, but I still need to make up for them!" Mike added on, his voice slightly wavering. Will heard his family shouting for him to fight and for him to come back to them.

All of this encouragement and worry gradually worked its way into Will's heart and mind, pushing him to fight on and escape. Memories of all of his friends and family flashed through his mind, reminding him of all that he had to live for. He still had so much to do in his life, and he couldn't let it end now. With newfound determination, he got his left arm free from the vine's tight grip.

Before he could get himself out of Vecna's grasp, he had felt an extreme pain through his right arm. He let out an agonizing scream, as he saw his floating body's right arm snap. Pain inflicted tears were brimming his eyelids, messing with his vision. Nonetheless, he wasn't going to give up. Ignoring the immense amount of pain, he got his right arm free from the vines and immediately used them to stab them into the figure in front of him.

Vecna stumbled backwards as the vines choking Will fell. He instantly got up and started running towards where his friends and family were waiting for him, surrounding his injured body. Things fell and slid into the way, but he dodged them as best he could, the music still playing faintly in the background. Adrenaline was coursing through his veins as he continued running to his destination.

Suddenly, his eyes shot open and he felt himself falling down. Pain rushed through his arm as he landed on the couch in someone's arms. His breathing was fast as he looked around confusedly.

"My arm! My-" Will shakily sobbed out, being interrupted by Mike shushing him comfortingly. That's when he realized, he was in Mike's arms. Despite the situation, his heart still fluttered at the thought that he had been caught by Mike of all people.

"Don't worry, honey, we're going to get you to the hospital." His mother told him as everyone rushed to do as she said.

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