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[Warnings: Swearing and slight gore]

[Also sorry if i got their personalities wrong </3]

[Word count: 893 ITS SHORT IM SORRY]

Grian was running, running, and running. He'd been running for so long. Too long. His legs ached, his wings throbbing in pain from the many arrows that had been fired in his direction.

But he knew he had to escape. Grian had gotten caught searching through [∷ᒷ↸ᔑᓵℸ ̣ ᒷ↸]'s chests, and had found something he was obviously never meant to see.

Tucking the golden pendent in his shirt, Grian stopped running for a quick second, summoning his violet and black colored magic. He shot a blast behind him, causing the people that had been chasing him to faulter, a few falling backwards. The runaway pooled all his magic to his hands, creating a portal in front of him.

"Goodbye, End." He quickly jumped though the slightly ominous red magic creation, leaving his home behind him and leaping into a brand new server.

||𝙹⚍ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎リꖌ ||𝙹⚍ ᓵᔑリ ᒷᓭᓵᔑ!¡ᒷ?.

Falling onto the ground, Grian stumbled out of his portal, it closing behind him. Everything hurt, but he was safe.

Or was he?

Voices. Why did he hear voices?

Two people, a moustached man in a suit with neat black hair, and another, a tall brunette with cat features and elven robes on. [Yes, i made it a Jellie/cat Scar au, i couldnt help it okay its adorable]


Grian got to his feet quickly, tucking his wings behind him as he hid behind a tree.

'I cant get caught- i cant get caught- i cant get caught!-'

The watchers thoughts of worry were cut off by an annoyed screech. Chancing a look at the people he had seen, Grian glanced at the duo from his safe spot behind the tree.

The one with cat features and robes looked around himself, and Grian noticed that the man in the suit was gone. Where did he go, and why had he left his friend?

The brunette screeched again, and the watcher noticed that he was being pushed by something they both couldnt see.

Ah, an invisibility potion. Clever.

"MUMBO WHERE AR- ACK!-" The yelling cat man got pushed to the ground, and the loud sound of laughter came from the playful air around the two friends.

There was a small noise of someone drinking milk, then the moustached man, who the cat guy called 'Mumbo', appeared in front of the fallen person, chuckling as he reached out his hand to help up his friend.

"Calm down Scar, your gonna cause the server to crash with your yelling" Mumbo smiled, helping 'Scar' to his feet as the man pouted to himself


Too focused on the duo near his hiding spot, Grian fell out from behind the tree, as he had been trying to get a better look at the two. He landed on the ground painfully, the fall pushing one of the arrows in his wings all the way through, it now sticking out on the other side.

The small man let out a cry of pain, causing Scar and Mumbo to run towards the sound. The two saw Grian, and the black haired one of them backed away slightly, obviously afraid.

"Mumbo! Do you have healing potions?!" Scar grabbed the new person, holding him gently as he looked at Mumbo expectingly.

"Th-thats a Watcher!- Scar get away from it!-"

"Mumbo!. I dont care if hes a Watcher! He needs help! Now answer the question! Do you have healing potions or not?!"

Mumbo sighed, pulling out his ender chest. He set it on the ground, searching through it hesitantly.

Grian wiped away tears that were leaking out from under his mask, confused and scared. Why werent these people hurting him? Why were they helping him? [∷ᒷ↸ᔑᓵℸ ̣ ᒷ↸] always said that players would attack and kill him as soon as they saw him. Hm....

Mumbo took out a few healing potions from his ender chest, closing it before handing them to Scar.

Scar smiled at his friend lightly, making the small man he was holding drink one of the potions. "Here, this'll help the pain,"

Grian listened to the hybrid, sipping the bright rose colored liquid as he relaxed, the agony from his wounds easing as he drank the potion.

"Feeling better yet?,"


"Alright, well, im gonna have to take the arrows out of your wings so its either gonna be numb or it'll hurt a lot, but dont worry, it'll heal"

"O-okay..." Grian nodded slightly, wincing at the pain circuiting throughout his whole body.

A few moments later, the small watcher let out another cry of agony as Scar pulled all of the arrows out of Grians lavender and violet wings, tears of pain streaming down his cheeks.

"Aaaand done!" Scar smiled comfortingly at the man he had just helped, handing him another healing potion to help with how much that must've hurt.

Grian smiled back, drinking the healing quickly, just trying to get rid of the pain.

A few moments later, his body untensed, and he let out a sigh of relief. Only to be instantly hit with a shock of pain, causing him to pass out. The last thing he heard before slipping into unconsciousness was Scar yelling at someone named 'False'.

Cursed. // Watcher Grian AUWhere stories live. Discover now