
647 21 76

[Warning: Swearing]

[Word count: 526]

It was almost a day later, and Grian woke up with a headache that felt like it was from hell itself. He opened his eyes slightly, noticing that his mask was gone. Wait- HIS MASK WAS GONE! He couldnt have anyone seeing his face- oh shit oh shit oh shit-.

There was a voice from next to him as Grian sat up, keeping his eyes shut tightly.

"Your awake! Took you long enough, random guy!" It was Scars voice, why was Scar here?

"Hello?.. Where am i?.." The small watcher brought his knees to his chest, slightly scared and very confused.

"Your at my house! False shot you in the neck yesterday, she probably thought you were gonna attack me because of you being a watcher and all.. but its all okay! 'Cause i healed you!"

"Oh- u-uhm.. thank you..." Grian smiled in the direction of the hybrid who had helped him gratefully.

"Soooo, whats your name? Im Scar!"

"Uhm... Well, the Watchers called me '̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ', but i like the name 'Grian' better..."

"Grian it is! Also, whats that language you said your other name in??"

Oh. Right. Players cant speak Galactic.

"Its Galactic.. Pretty sure you players know it as 'enchantment table'! The name translated to english should be... Xelqua?"


Grian giggled, smiling at Scars confusion. "Mhm, its the language of the end! I can also speak enderman, as well as piglin!"

"w o w - alrighty then!- I learned somethin' new today! Cool!" Even though Grian couldnt see him, it was obvious the cat hybrid was smiling excitedly.

The watcher opened his eyes, the bright violet and deep black letting off a slight glow as he winced at a bright light.

"Hey Scar?"

"Yea G-man?"

'G-man? Wow, this guy has known me for only a few hours and has already given me a nickname!' Grian smiled slightly before having to stop himself from getting lost in thought.

"Well, do you know where my mask is? The white one with the watchers symbol on it?" The small man questioned, obviously hesitant.

"Oh yea! That! Its right here!" Scar grinned, getting up and grabbing the mask from a dresser, then walking over to Grian and handing it to him.

"Thank you!" G moved his hair out of the way, putting on the mask and hiding his vibrant eyes. "There we go, thats better, now, would i be able to go explore? i dont really like being in enclosed spaces for a while.."

"Oh! Of course! Just stay by me incase someone sees you, im pretty sure we both dont want you getting another arrow to the wing,"

The two giggled as Grian got to his feet, and Scar led him out of the room, the shorter man holding onto the end of the brunettes sleeve as they walked.

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Cursed. // Watcher Grian AUWhere stories live. Discover now