Then why us?.

551 28 16

[Warnings: Swearing]

[Word count: 478]

Grians lavender wings tucked behind his back he hid behind Scar, seeming to be waiting for someone. There was a shadow from above, then all of a sudden two people landed on the ground softly. One being the mustached man called Mumbo, and the other a tall guy with a visor and mask on.

"Alright Scar, what did you call us here for? I was busy fixing up the code," The one with his face covered said, the elytra on his back slightly flowing in the wind.

"Wellll, Mumbo already knows this, but you may have heard that theres a new person on the server!" Scar was excitedly wrapping his fluffy cat tail around Grian, kind of protectively.

"A new person? But how would i not have known? Im the admin, they wouldve had to be whitelisted by me."

"Well X, thats probably causeee hes a watcher!" The hybrid gently pushed Grian from behind him to beside instead, smirking at the admins shocked face.

"Scar!- How in the world is there a watcher here?! Thats dangerous, get away from it!- We cant have a watcher on Hermitcraft! It'll destroy the server!" X grabbed Scars arm, but he pulled away, the grin on his face gone and instead slightly pissed.

"Hes not like the other watchers. Grian is a runaway. Hes not dangerous."

"But he has the mask!. Hes under their control!. Hes manipulating you Scar!. Im not keeping him in the server!."

"Then why did you keep us?."

The question seemed to shock the admin, a bit startled by how Scar was talking to him. "Wh-what do you mean?-"

"You know exactly what i mean. You found us all, me, Mumbo, Doc, Iskall, Gem, everyone. And you gave us all a home because we needed help. And yet Grian is an exception?. All because "hes dangerous"?. Doc is a creeper hybrid and yet you let him stay. Mumbo has redstone magic and yet you let him stay. Cleos a zombie and yet you let her stay. We're all "dangerous", Xisuma. And you still let us stay here. Grian isnt safe anywhere else other then here and as hermits we should protect and help him!. Not shut him out all because of something he cant control. Thats not what we do. Good day Xisuma." Scar glared at X with his emerald green eyes, grabbing Grians hand and walking away, tail wrapped around the watcher protectively.

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Cursed. // Watcher Grian AUWhere stories live. Discover now