Who Hisoka is

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Name: Hisoka Onishi

species: (Unknown)

age: 17

age appears to be: 12

sexuality: ???

clothing: Dark Green Sweater/ Blue Jeans/ White Tennis Shoes/ Black Big Glasses 

hair style/color/length: Low bangs that usually hang over eyes/ Dark brown/ Up to ears

eyes: Dark Brown with lighter Brown around iris

personality: Shy, reserved, smart. Nervous around everyone.

background: Both parents died in a freak accident when she was two. She doesn't remember them at all and was adopted to two loving people that taught her not to care about gender. Many people thing she is a boy because she looks like a boy completely and sounds like one but only dresses like that because she doesn't buy her own clothes.

special abilities: Very smarter, able to calculate any equation in her head in a second. 

Rest- If any- (Unknown)

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