The Problem

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Lillian thought a long moment, then decided to ask something. "What was it we were running from, back at the river?"

"I'm not supposed to tell anyone.... I'm the only on that can see them... But for some reason they were after you." said Hisoka shaking her head.

"But what are they and why do they want me? I didn't even know it was all real till now." She said in a panicking tone.

"I don't know.... and I can't tell you..."

"Then at least figure out how to get me home and keep them away and you won't have to deal with me again." She proposed.

"That's a lot to ask.... besides I can't leave you alone now that I know you're in danger.."

"And I don't care. All I want is to wake up home and safe with my dad." She stared firmly with a small glare.

Hisoka cringed under the glare and backed up a bit. "I'm sorry but that's just not possible..."

"Why not? What the hell is so special that they'd kidnap me?" She asked standing now. she looked at Hisoka with almost pleading eyes, begging for answers.

"Ehhhh I can't tell you... He'd be angry if he knew you were her...,let alone if I told you anything about 'them',.... and make me leave...." said Hisoka, not able to meet her eyes.

"Who's he?" She questioned, brightening she was finally getting somewhere.

"Well... I guess to that that'd be..... God?" asked Hisoka more then told.

"And.... What makes you think he doesn't know already? That I'm here I mean." She asked slowly.

"He doesn't now everything that happens everywhere..." said Hisoka, unsure how else to put it.

"Fine whatever, who do we talk to to get me home?" She asked suddenly, changing the subject as she glanced around again.

"Well I'd usally go to Hannah for stuff like this but she doesn't seem to like you..." said Hisoka uncomfortably.

"You mean the girl who just technically kidnapped me for a minute? Yea I don't like her either but if it meant getting home I'll keep my mouth shut." She said almost in a forced tone.

"Just... don't say anything unless she asks a question please....." said Hisoka in an almost pleading tone as she turned around towards the door.

Sighing heavily Lilly sighed with a bit of a groan to it before following. 

"Here: stay under this. If no ones sees your back they won't know you're not an angel." said Hisoka, handing her a big jacket. She cracked open the oak door to see if anyone would be right out there and sighed with relief when she saw everyone was already preoccupied. She turned back to see if Lilly was ready.

She had draped the jacket over her shoulders and moved behind Hisoka. Still just out of sight but enough their arms brushed eachother.

Hisoka couldn't help blush again as she turned back towards the door and walked out.

She followed closely, unsure where to go as she slowly sneaked glances at the large area. It still amazed her.

"Okay. I need you to stand here and wait for me. Don't talk to anyone and don't let anyone take the jacket okay?" asked Hisoka, biting her lip, unsure of her own plan.

She nodded slowly smiling softly in reassurance but felt her stomach tighten nervously nonetheless.

Hisoka tried to smile back but it came out more of an awkward grimace. She took a deep breath as she slowly put her hands together. The air around her shimmered slightly as two amazingly beautiful white wings appeared on her back . She quickly rocketed upways towards the high nests.

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she watched, her head whipping up to watch as Hisoka took off. "This is what I get for being stupid then, this is awesome.." She muttered and looked around. For some reason she couldn't stop the last mintue repeat in her mind. Something seemed off about Hisoka.... He really was like a girl....

A boy angel with dark blue eyes and blond hair tilted his head down from his nest as he watched the strange and out of place person on the ground. He was very confused because he thought he knew everyone in the nest. He quickly decided to greet the new comer to the nest. He opened his door and flew down to her. "Hi! I'm Micheal!" he said, offering his hand for a shake friendly.

She jumped slightly when he suddenly seemed to of come from nowhere as she turned to look at him almost fearfully. Gripping the jacket a little tighter she didn't say anything or offer her hand back. She already disliked being here.

"Oh....umm...." said the boy awkwardly as his hand drifted back down to his side.  "Did....I...offend you? I'm sorry... I didn't mean to.." he said looking down in disappointment.

She hesitated before looking down slowly. "I-I'm not supposed to talk..." She said quietly to clear his confusion.

The boy still looked confused until his eyes drifted towards the jacket she had. "That's....Hisoka's jacket...." he thought out loud.

She gripped it tighter and took a step or two back, refusing to meet his gaze.

'Could That's impossible.' he thought shaking his head before speaking again. "Have you seen him recently? I kinda need to tell her something." said the boy with his most friendly smile.

She furrowed her brows a moment and glanced up slowly. "She?"

"Whoops! I meant he. Don't tell him I said that... he'd get embarrassed." said the boy, trying his hardest to lie well. 'Wow that was stupid.'

"What do you mean?" She asked slowly, beyond confused as heck.

"I said her... I meant him... He'd be embarrassed if he knew I called him a girl..."

She looked unconvinced before looking away again. Hiding her face behind her bright blonde hair.

"So....uh... can you tell him that I was looking for him when you see him next?" he asked, emphasizing the hims.

She nodded faintly, crossing her arms nervously as she picked at the stray strings on the jacket.

It took him a minute to register that she had actually nodded. When he finally realized, he spread his wings and flew back to his nest and shut his door, locking it.

She stood there for a little longer before slowly moving back to the oak door Hisoka had led her to before. Standing beside it she remained there and took caution to look around.

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