The Truth

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Micheal quickly shut the door and locked it. Hisoka was sitting at the table playing with her hands, not looking up to see Lilly. "Okay. This is what the situation is. Angels can make portals only angels can go through. Demons sneak in and out through the forest. Humans or other enter through the river but there is no way to get out unless human. But if you are a species that is like human,angel,or demon you may make it out of here." he said quickly. Afterwards he took a big breath to make up for the air that just came out his system.

She rose a single brow at him slowly, "So... What would happen if I tried leaving by the river? Would it work?" She asked calmly.

"No.... that leads to hell....." he said with another shrug.

"So... I can't get home.." She asked slowly, the fear rising quicker than before.

"Well that kinda depends on you soooooo......" he said looking between Lilly and Hisoka.

Hesitating she glanced to Hisoka. "If it helps me get home.... Do it." She decided finally.

"Uh... A-are you sure? I know it's not because you like me or anything-" started Hisoka before Micheal cut her off. "Oh meh gosh just kiss already!" said Micheal, pushing Hisoka towards Lilly. Hisoka was caught off guard and slammed into Lilly, making them both tumble to the ground. Hisoka blushed when she saw the position they were in after they fell. Somehow Lilly had landed on her as they fell. "S-sorry....."

"Next time a simple 'I don't feel comfortable' would of been ok..." She muttered and slowly clamored off. She turned and gave Michael a dirty glare before helping Hisoka up.

Hisoka gladly accepted the help and stood up. "What'd I do? You both are obviously too shy to do anything...." said Micheal with an innocent look. 

"First off you let shy people get through it on their own. Just because we're shy doesn't mean we need help. Besides, how'd you feel if you were in my shoes?" She shot back.

"Honestly I would have kissed he-him already." he shrugged, trying to ignore his own mistake of almost calling Hisoka a girl.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Ok now i want the truth." She said firmly and crossed her arms.

"Pshh what'd mean?" asked Micheal nervously. Hisoka looked very awkward as she looked away.

"What is it that's really going on? I mean seriously! You almost called Hisoka a girl a minute ago and then earlier. And you-" She paused to turn at Hisoka "Most guys I know aren't even this shy! I've never met a guy who wasn't eager to get a kiss from a girl. Even the shy ones. You can't tell me you're a guy because first of all, how you talk and walk, it isn't normal. I'm through with the lies. To get home I want to know I can at least trust the person helping me." She ranted, trying to think of some way to get to the bottom of this fiasco.

"You're are so-" started Micheal, looking uncharacteristically anger. "Completely right." said Hisoka, cutting him off. "I am a girl... I just don't tell anyone because... I'm scared they'll have another reason to make fun of me. I'm a girl who likes girls and looks super young. And... I was afraid you'd hate me for liking you..." said Hisoka, not once meeting Micheal or Lilly's eyes.

"And the truth comes out at last!" She sighed in exasperation. She didn't look or seem made at all as she drew Hisoka in for a hug. "I'm only mad you aren't confident in yourself missy. Who gives a crud about you being a girl who looks young and likes other girls? I'm all for love so long as it's love. Just don't hide it." She assured before pulling back and looked into her eyes. "Let's get this over with hmm? Sooner I go home the sooner you can go back to your life and not worry about everything. We can be friends alright?"

Hisoka eyes watered slightly as she nodded her head. It didn't seem to be from sadness. It actually seemed she was happy. Happy to finally have someone accept her. "I'm just not sure how I've never....." she said, struggling to to what she meant.

"Kissed?" She suggested and gave a light laugh. "I'm curious to know how you discovered your power then." She said between giggles.

"Heh yeah...." she said with a slight laugh, rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. "I guess when you're born you just....know."

"Mhmm.. Alright. Well then what the hell.." She said, mumbling the last part under her breath before carefully leaning in, grabbing Hisko's shirt collar, and just gently pressing her lips to Hisoka's. After a good few moments she pulled back slowly.

Hisoka's face went completely red as Lilly pulled away. 'Whoa.' she thought as images flashed in her mind, making her go down to her knees, overwhelmed.

She quickly knelt down with wide eyes, hoping she didn't do anything wrong.

"G-get back!" said Hisoka as she scooted away from Lilly. She felt something happening and didn't want her to get hurt.

She knitted her brows in confusion but slowly scooted back unhappily.

Hisoka looked up at Lilly, her eys showing for the first time. They were mismatched. One was a burning really dark blue and the other a deep bright red. They both light up and suddenly disappeared as quickly as the light had came.

She scooted back more with a deep fear rising, her back bumping into the table as she gripped a table leg.

Hisoka shook her head, trying to clear it but found herself slipping into blackness as she fell forwards, blacked out.

Lilly sprung forward and caught her just in time to save her head from the floor as she looked up at Michael in worry.

"Hisoka?" asked Micheal as he sat down by the girl on the floor. He gently shook. "Hisoka?" he asked getting a bit more panicked. "H-Hisoka?" he asked shaking her a little harder. Even after all his attempts she still wouldn't answer.

Slowly she came closer and settled a hand to Hisoka's shoulder in worry. "Is there someplace we can put her instead of the floor?" She asked slowly.

"Hey....there's a bedroom." said Micheal, looking as worried as her. Micheal knelt down and gently picked her up. She wasn't that heavy from her lack of height or weight. Micheal sighed when he realized his mistake. "There's another door thingy thing. Can you hold her for a sec?" he asked knowing she couldn't open it with her hand.

She hesitated by nodded and gripped her shoulders, knowing it be impossible to hold her the way he was.

"Thank yoooou!" he said turning towards the wall and feeling along it for a minute. He went Ha! when found it, a opening and he took Hisoka back and walked in.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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