The Meeting

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Hisoka sighed and hoisted up her backpack higher on her shoulder as she made her way towards high school. She straightened her glasses as a girl her age cut in front of her path to the gate. "Excuse me little boy! Are you lost? The elementary school is two bus stops west. This is the  high school..." said the girl sweetly. Hisoka blinked cutely behind her glasses and said, "I'm seventeen ma'am..." The girl blushed and let Hisoka pass after muttering, "I'm sorry..." Hisoka was used to this by now and shook her head as she broke into a sprint as the bell rang.

Lillian sat in the back of her class, her hair down in a loose braid that looked like she only did the tips of it that morning. She sighed softly, her arms crossed uncomfortably across her middle as she sat in the classroom, bored out of her mind as the teacher droned on and on on the lecture.

Hisoka breathed in deeply with relief as she entered class.  The teacher, a middle aged man with slight balding and dark green eyes, looked at her confused for a second but made the realization. "You must be the new transfer student Mr.-" the teacher looked down at his notes and looked back up again to Hisoka, "Onishi?" She nodded yes, her eyes hidden behind her glasses and bangs as she nodded. "Good. Now find a seat and make sure you make it to class on time tomorrow." said the teacher before going to the board and going on about something. Hisoka sighed and kept her head down as she made her way towards the only seat still available, which just happened to be near the other new kid in class. 'Hmm. I wonder what her deal is...' she thought while sneaking a peak at her before looking at the board. 'I already know all that. Ugh...' she thought, quickly putting her head down on the desk.

Glancing to the new kid she noticed something off. He didn't seem like the other guys. She could tell he definitely was different, but what made him so she couldn't figure out. She noticed him glance to her before looking to the board. She couldn't help but feel her face heat up in embarrassment for a moment before she sighed and turned back to the piece of paper in front of her. She went back to writing, not quite notes, it was definitely something more.

Hisoka sighed silently and took out her blue spiral notebook from her black backpack and opened to a clear sheet of paper. She looked for a pencil for a while to no avail. Defeated, she turned towards her and quietly whispered, "Do you have a pencil I can borrow pray chance?"

She glanced up and then turned to her own backpack, well, more like a small side back like satchel as she opened it silently and drew out a nicely sharpened wood pencil. Sitting back up she passed it silently to Hisoka, her face blank.

"Thanks...." mumbled Hisoka sideways glancing at the other girl. She took the pencil and brought it to the paper before she started focusing and shutting everything else out.

By the time class ended, everyone was quick to leave but Lillian packed up slowly and more silently. She looked like she dreaded the rest of the day. She hated school and just wanted to be home with her dad training. She preferred it over this junk anyways.

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