Sleigh Bells

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Sleigh bells ring, are you listening, in the rain, snow is glistening, a beautiful sight, were happy tonight, walking in a winter wonderland. Walking in a winter wonderland.

Music from my steep flowed through the house as the snow fell across the rooftops as the sun started to rise up in the sky behind the puffy clouds and shine down on the new snow through breaks in the coverage above.

I watched as one by one, snowflakes of different shapes and sizes floated to the ground, covering the asphalt and the dried out and dead or hibernating grass.

A good foot or so had already settled itself in for a nice long stay with the cold temperatures and shorter, quieter days.

Today my boyfriend had called me and said he wanted to go out on a date. I informed him that I would rather stay inside on a day like today, sit by a fire and enjoy some hot chocolate and a good movie or a nice book, curled up next to him with my cat and our puppy and just enjoy one another's company while it snowed.

But he told me I really had no choice in the matter since we hadn't gone out in awhile and he wanted to treat me to a nice day.

And I had no say in the matter.

I stood outside in my warm and fuzzy, gray winter coat and my black super fuzzy earmuffs with a pair of plain black texting gloves on. I wore plain black and medium grey ugg boots, but even than I was already shivering.

Why did I decide to stand outside to wait for him?

When he finally pulled up in his car I ran over to it, and before he could make a motion for him to get out I opened he passenger door and had already climbed inside.

I slammed the door shut behind me and immediately placed my hands up to the vent to warm my frozen stiff fingers.

Conner looked over at me worriedly. Usually the cold didn't bother me much, and when it did it could mean I was coming down with something or I was doing something stupid, like waiting outside for my moronic boyfriend!

Ok he wasn't a moron. He wasn't even close to being one.

"Here let me turn up the heat." he leaned over and put the heat on full blast and than turned on my heated seat for me as I continuously shivered beside him.

"Thanks." I mumbled quietly to him as I pulled off my gloves and pulled back my hood. I slid my earmuffs off and set them down on my lap with my lifeless gloves.

"Let's get going. And I promise most of what we're doing will not be outside." I smiled in reply to that.

"Hallelujah." I said to him.

He smiled and a small chuckle escaped his lips before he threw the car into drive and pulled off from the curb and headed down the road.

"So where are we going?" I asked as I looked over at him and put my hands down on the seat next to my legs as the seat cushion began to warm immensely.

"It's a surprise."

"Everything is always a surprise." I replied with a small laugh as I slouched down in my seat slightly.

I liked Conners surprises. He always had something ready for us that I never expected him to have.

"Let me guess, no hints as per the usual?"

He smiled and nodded at me as he continued to look down the road at the world that was ahead of us.

The snow sparkled and shined around us and as we sped down the deserted roads and passed by houses of children playing and building snowmen or even building snow forts. And as we drove the snow would fly up around us and it would disturb the snow flakes trying to fall safely to the ground.

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