Stupid "Secret" Admirerers

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I sat at lunch mostly rolling my eyes and twirling my hair around my finger as I used my other hand to finish the last bits of my salad.

Today was Valentine's Day in sunny Florida and so far way too many people have been asking me to be their valentines. And even if it wasn't Valentine's Day this day would've been awful anyways.

I was sick and tired of people asking me the same question. And I was sick of them thinking I would say yes to them. Like no, who do you think you are! Just because everyone may know you and some girls may drool over you because you have a six pack or are completely ripped does not mean that I am going to say yes immediately and than kiss you or drop to my knees and cry or even pass out from being completely flabbergasted that one of them asked me.

Absolutely NOT!

There is no way in hell I would ever say yes to any of these simplistic fools. I had no feelings for anyone in this school anymore and I didn't want any of them near me.

"Hey Carley." I looked up to see Dylan smiling down at me.

Oh god not another one of these morons.

"What do you want?" I hissed as I narrowed my eyes at him and jabbed my fork into a small portion of what I had left to eat.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight." I knew it.

"Not happening smart ass." I said as I brought the salad to my mouth and began to chew.

"Why? Everyone thinks we'd look great together!" He exclaimed as he placed his hands down on the table.

He thinks he can intimidate me. Nice try kitty but you're with the big dog right now and I don't play games with morons.

I set my fork down and slowly stood up from my seat. My two inch heels slammed down onto the tile floor of the lunch room and people around us quieted until a hush fell over the lunch room.

"Listen here buster." I walled around the table so I could stand in front of him as he stood between two seats. "I don't play games and I am not saying yes to you." I turned to the rest of the lunchroom. "Or to anyone and I mean anyone else in here! Is that clear?"

I was met with only silence as a response and I sighed out of frustration and looked down at my feet before I looked back up and said even louder

"Am I clear!" Immediately a murmur went throughout the lunchroom and I nodded in satisfaction. "Now you may continue your lunches." I said in a calmer and quieter tone. People began to talk again and I sighed in relief.

"Now you." I turned back around to Dylan and I glared at him. He gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing. "Do you understand what I was saying to you?" He nodded. "Now get out or my sight." He nodded and walked around me, turning to take one last glance before he left the cafeteria.

I walked back around the table and fixed my shorts, pulling them down slightly, before sat down. Chelsea was already seated next to me, her eyes bright as she smiled. "Good job standing up to them girl." she gave me a pat on the shoulder. I looked down at the table and my empty tray. "I'm sorry that he wasn't around today. If he was you know I would've covered for you in a heartbeat."

I looked up at her as she smiled at me and I returned it with a small and sad one. "I know." I sighed and turned around slightly so I could look out the window.

The sun was shining and everything just seemed so great. I looked back towards Chelsea who held worry in her eyes. "Thanks Chels."

"Anytime. Now let's get out of here."

We stood up, throwing out our remnants of our lunch and than heading out of the cafeteria.

My classes were finished for the day so I headed to my locker and grabbed my things before I headed out of the building, leaving Chelsea to go to her last class alone.

I didn't have my license so I had to ride my bike or walk home, since it was Valentine's Day and everyone would bug me I had my bike.

I pulled up the front of my tank top and pulled my backpack around and to the side, unzipping it  as I walked over to my bike. I pulled out my sunglasses and zipped up my bag before I slung it back around and left my hand on the one strap.

The only problem with riding a bike today would be the heels.

I sighed as I walked over and strapped my backpack onto the back of my bike and pulled out my phone. I slid it into my back pocket as I put the code into my bike lock and pulled it off.

I than unzipped, threw it in, and rezipped my bag.

I pulled my bike away from the rack and threw my leg over the top and set it down onto the pedal before I slid completely onto my bike and than I was off.

I rode home with my mind wandering to what he was doing today. I thought of how he was and if he was hopefully thinking of me.

I hadn't received any texts from him and it hurt, usually he always answered me. I said happy Valentine's Day to him and no reply.

He probably didn't love me anymore.

There was probably some other girl.

I decided not to go home and instead head to the beach that technically wasn't a true one like some by the ocean beach.

It was a beautiful place all the same. It was a lake which they always checked to make sure there were no alligators and was named safe. People came to swim here from all around when it was hot.

It was a lovely place.

At night it was somewhere we shared. It was somewhere were no one else seemed to think of going at night. I know there could be a risk of wildlife but as long as I saw him the risk was worth while.

I pedaled down the dirt path until I pulled up near the sand. I slid to a stop and climbed off my bike and slid my heels off before I hung them on the handlebars.

I walked down to the water and stood on the edge but didn't put my feet in.

A breeze blew by and I wrapped my arms around myself wishing he were here.

The lake was quiet. It was a work day and most people went home to plan their dates with their valentines tonight. No one would be here, especially not alone on a day like today. I sighed as I looked down at the water, still and calm and showing me a sad and lonely girl.

After awhile I sat down on the sand. I listened to the birds, the frogs on the other end, the breeze, everything.

Some more time passed before I heard car tires coming down the rocky path. I didn't even both to look up. Probably another couple, and I wasn't in the mood to see any couples.

The car stopped and the door opened. I heard the crunch of stones as one person walked over to near where I sat by the waters edge.

They stood behind me and I saw their shadow next to mine. "I'm sorry but if you're going to talk to me, I'm not in the mood and I would find it better if you just leave now."

There was no response for a moment until I heard a chuckle. Before I had time to react or think the voice said "Even if said person wants to take you out on this lovely evening."

Immediately I jumped up and into their arms. "Derek!" I squealed as I held him tightly to me.

I felt him hold me closer, closer than ever before.

"You're back from college?" I whispered as I pulled back from our embrace to look at his face.

He looked exactly the same as I had last seen him. "Of course I am." He reached up and tucked a piece of hair behind me ear. "Anything for my girl."

I smiled and pulled him back into a hug. This was the best valentines day ever.

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