Ice Cream and Frosting

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I wiped my wet eyes with the back of my sleeve before I than pulled my legs up closer to my chest and set my head down upon my knees. After I than flopped sideway down onto the couch.

Where is she? I don't want to be stuck here alone! I can't handle this alone right now!

I wiped my eyes again with the back of my sleeve when I heard a car pull up in the driveway, running over rocks and dirt that was on the cement.

A couple minutes later as I still lay on the couch when she finally rang the doorbell. "Let yourself in." I yelled out quietly.

After a minute of knocking she yelled out "I'll just let myself in!" I rolled my eyes and shook my head as I curled up more tightly into my ball.

Finally the door opened and Lacey walked in. "Suzanne!" She yelled up the stairs.

"In here." I replied quietly. She kicked the front door shut before she quickly came into the living room. She saw me on the couch and her eyes went wide.

My eyes became overflown with tears and I could no longer stop them from running down my face. Immediately she threw her bag down on the recliner by the entrance to the room before running upstairs and screaming "I'll be right back!"

Sobs started to emerge from my throat as I grasped even tighter to my legs. My phone was buzzing on the table but I didn't want to move to get it or to even see who it was.

Lacy suddenly came barreling down the stairs and ran around the corner, she slipped and almost fell. Suddenly she ran to me and threw herself down on the couch next to me.

"Come on you need to sit up. You can not lie down forever." She was coddling me but right now I really didn't care.

She helped me to sit up and she wrapped a blue blanket with stars around my shoulders. This blanket was one that she decided to leave at my house for when she stayed over and I was never allowed to touch it. But I guess this was a big exception.

She looked over and saw that my phone was still vibrating and the flash for notifications was going off in a violent fashion.

She sighed and picked up my phone. "I'll take this." She picked it up and slid across the lock screen. She than stood up from the couch and put the phone to her ear.

"I'm sorry but she has no reason to talk to you. . . No I'm sorry you were a complete. . ." She stops and she looks at me and than she must decide to change her mind on what she is going to say because she instead says that he is a "moron who has no taste and no loyalty."

But I knew what she had wanted to say before, I should have just let her say what she had wanted to.

"No. No. No. I don't give two shits about what you have to say to her anymore. . . No you will not be allowed to talk to her."

"Lacey." I whispered "Hang up." I than commanded. As I could barely hold back my sobs I once again wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my purple sweater.

"But Suzzane. . ." She started to argue but I just could not deal with this right now. I can not be dealing with any of this right now. Especially if he's on the other end of my phone at the very instant I need him then farthest away from me.

I shook my head. "Just hang up. . . Than. . . block him. I. . . Don't want .. . anything to do . . .with him. Ever." I said through loud sobs before I wiped my eyes once more.

Lacy looked at me with skepticism and sympathy before she said to him"We're done with you. That's all in gonna say."

I heard arguing on the other end of the phone but Lacy sighed and pulled the phone away from her ear and hung up instead of listening to it, just like I instructed. She plopped back down next to me on the couch and than went in and blocked the number.

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