Dorms and Perverts

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"Please come with me to this party!"

I looked at my roommate as I sat from my office chair which in turn sat placed in front of my desk. Her eyes were pleading as she looked at me, her hands cupped to the side of her face as she tilted it to make her plea even more dramatic.

Her brown eyes sparkled with tears, ready to cry on cue if I continued to tell her I would not go with her to this worthless party.

Not tonight.

"No. And I meant it Anna." I said sternly as she lost the act and growled in frustration, throwing her hands down to her side as she stomped her foot. I rolled my eyes. "You don't have to act so fuckin spoiled." I mumbled as I turned back to my desk and moved my finger on my mouse pad and brought the screen back to life.

"And why won't you go!" She yelled as she walked over and slammed my computer shut, slamming it down onto my finger tips.

"Fuck you!" I screamed as I instantaneously pulled my hand back. My finger tips slightly red as they throbbed. Her eyes widened in fear.

"Oh my god. Jamie I am so so sorry." she said as she reached forward to try and take my hand in hers to look at the injuries but instead I took my other hand and slapped it as hard as I could away.

She than took a step back in fear. "Get the hell out. Go to your stupid fickin party and I swear I'll be putting in for a new room mate soon if this shit continues. Understand?" I hissed as my eyes were narrowed at her and my teeth slightly bared as if ready to attack.

She nodded as she backed away. Her eyes filling with what would be real tears as she grabbed her purse and immediately ran towards the door, slamming it shut behind her.

I am sick of being dragged out, sick of being hurt by her pulling out my chair from under me or slamming my hand into the drawers of my desk or "accidentally" taking my towel with hers when she left the girls bathroom or even borrowing things and they magically break, and now this!

If I let her stay I won't survive much longer.

I reopened my computer and moved my throbbing fingers across the mouse pad again before pushing back my chair and heading over to my mini fridge. I opened the door carefully and pulled out a cold water bottle to carefully placed it in my fingers.

Oh yeah, she slammed my wrist in the fridge once too. The only difference was that then my wrist was fractured. No clue how exactly but it was.

I sighed as I walked back over to my desk. A warm breeze blew in through the open window as I began to use my opposite hand to continue typing up my report.

Oh yeah, the form.

I opened up the school webpage and filled out all the things for a roommate, name age and why you can not stay with the roommate you have now. No one will ever have any idea on how much of a bitch I felt like at that moment, but I was too upset to care.

I saved it and finally sent the cursed thing off before I continued writing up my idiotic report.

Sometimes I hate, absolutely hate, biology.

The course I was taking sucked, the teacher sucked, and the stuff we were doing sucked because it was the same stuff we were doing over and over again and nothing new.

But I wanted to be a forensic specialist so this is what I get.

The breeze felt nice as I worked for another couple hours until finally I finished up the last bits and sections and than started to go over the parts I was unsure about.

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