Carnival Games

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The sun shone down on the land with a bright glow before it hid back behind the small patch of white puffy clouds, but still left the sky a bright and colorful blue.

But this double date was really sucking so far. 

"It's cold." I whined as I pulled my sweater even more tightly around my shoulders. I hated when the stupid weather channel would say 'oh it's gonna be a nice day today folks so dress warm' and forgot to mention the exceptions or are just completely and utterly wrong.


"No it's not. It's fine." Chase said as he smiled at me as he walked ahead.

Of course it's fine, you always thinks it's warm. It's not fair. Like ever.

"Stop speaking out loud Jessie or one of these days you'll piss of the wrong people." He chuckled as he maneuvered around a crying baby and his sleep deprived mother.

I went to follow the same path as him but instead i accidentally ended up bumping into her. "Im so sorry." I whispered before turning to catch up with him.

God forbid he was fast.

"So how much did you hear me say out loud?" I asked as I slowed down to walk beside him.

"Well let's see, crazy weathermen and not being able to predicts weather and than how I'm always too warm." A smirk fell upon his face as he grabbed my arm and moved me out of the way of getting hit.

He let go of my arm before my face turned red and all I could mutter was an "Oh." as I looked down at my feet.

Slowly I looked back up at him through my eyes lashes. "So where are these two losers, I want to go home!" I rocked back and forth on my toes as I pulled my sweater even closer to me and hugged myself to try and trap the heat inside me.

Why did I wear bloody shorts?! Oh yeah I forgot. it all leads back to the narcissistic weathermen.

"Well they could be making out right now or. . . No that sounds about right." my eyes narrowed as I growled slightly to myself. "What's got your panties so in a twist?" He asked as I shyly moved away from him and my cheeks turned red.

"She told you I don't like that word didn't she!" I explained.

I knew she probably told him stuff about me, stuff he didn't know from all the times we talked in class, but I didn't think she'd tell him stuff like that! Now I have no bloody clue what the heck he knows!

"Come on Jessie, just answer the question will ya." He smiled as he nudged me with his elbow. "Lighten up a bit."

I sighed. "Well I was going to go on a date, but I don't think that that's gonna happen now, or anytime soon." I walked away from him and sat down defeated on an empty bench.

He slowly and cautiously followed me over and sat down beside. "Who were you going with?" He asked as he leaned back against the benches back and looked over at me. His arm draped over the back and his right leg perched on his left.

Those caring grey eyes, always so sweet.

"You know I can hear you." he said as he chuckled.

My face turned red. Damn short hair, you can't hide behind it. He brushed it to the side and behind my ear.

Ok shoulder length isn't that short but it's still short for what I was used to. "So who is it you wanted to go out with?" He asked again.

I sighed as I leaned forward so my elbows rested on my knees. "Jim Charleton." I replied glumly as I looked out at all the couples which had seemed to surround us.

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