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Song:Troublemaker by Olly Murs,Flo Rida
Karl's POV:
"I'm very disappointed in you failed all your subjects!Next you painted the walls!What's wrong with you!?"The headmaster yelled at me.I rolled my eyes at her. "If you do this one more time,I'll have to kicked out of this school!"The headmaster glared at me. "By the way..I'll also get you removed from the best class to the worst class and that you'll never ever be an assistant hall monitor ever again!You heard me!?"I sighed and nodded. "Good,now leave!"I gave her a middle finger and left.

"Really babe?"Alex glared at me. "I thought I could make things fun!" Alex slapped me. "This is a school!Not your house!" He yelled at me. "Also,you have to pass next week exams!Or..I might have to beat your ass!"He yelled at me. "Oh~How about I fuck you instead~?"he blushed and slapped me.

"I'm not joking,Jacobs!I'm serious"I looked into his eyes..yep his definitely serious. "OI!GO TO CLASS!"He grabbed my arm and pulled me to class. He pushed me on my chair as he sat beside me. "Hello class!"The teacher walked in. "FUCK OFF I HATE YOUR CLASS!"I yelled. "THAT'S IT!WRITE YOU'LL NEVER YELL AT THE TEACHER EVER AGAIN 10000 times!GO!"she yelled.I groaned and grabbed a piece of paper as I started writing.

The teacher kept asking me questions. "Karl,What's (20+48997) X 21?"The teacher asked me.I rolled my eyes and answered  "that's the easiest question ever.."I replied. "Oh really?What's the answer?"She smacked the whiteboard. "20578740!Duh!"She was surprised. "Correct!"The whole class wowed.

"Ma'am,May I please leave?"Alex raised his hand as the teacher nodded.The teacher told me to go aswell since I'm a hall monitor as well.In this school,hall monitors are allowed to leave early but the thing is we have to be smart..

I walked up to my boyfriend where he was standing at and pinned him. "Hi babe~"I tilted his head. "Go study!"He smacked my hand. "Ugh!Your no fun!"He rolled his eyes. "You'll have fun as long as you get all 100's in your exams first~"He pushed me off of him. "Oh~What fun~?" He smirked and started whispering. "You get to fuck me~as long as you want Daddy~"I blushed so hard. He started giggling. "Are you serious~?"He nodded and kissed me.

"Sapnap!"I yelled for him to come over. "Karl!Alex!"He hugged both of us. "Karl!I heard you got in trouble"He said laughing. "Yeah.." I answered. "Also we have exams!I really wanna kill myself!"He laid his head on Quackity's chest while standing up. Quackity stroked his hair. "Tell you what~ If you two get 100's in all you exams I will let you both go harsh on me~"Sapnap started blushing and tilted his head. "Your not kidding right~?"He smirked as Quackity nodded and kissed his chin.

"How about we study together at my house?"Sapnap requested as me and Quackity nodded. "After school?"He nodded. "Anyways,I forgot my lunch money..did you two brought any lunch?"I nodded and handed him a  grilled cheese sandwich. " Thanks,Karl!"He started chewing on the sandwich. "Sapnap...your not allowed to eat here.."Alex showed him the no eating sign. "Awww!Then can you cover me?"Alex shooked his head.

"Then wanna have lunch together?"He suggested. "I can only eat here Sappy.."Alex replied. "That's not fair!"He frowned. " can eat here.."Sapnap cheered and chewed on the sandwich. "Aren't you hungry baby?"I looked at Quackity as he nodded. "Did you not have enough money?"I asked as he nodded again.

"Here!Take some money!"I gave him 20 dollars. He looked up at me and shooked his head. "Please..just take it!I don't want you to starve!"I begged him and he shooked again. "Fine!I'm getting food myself!"I went down the stairs to go to the cafeteria.

Quackity's POV:

I felt someone laid his head on my chest.So,I looked down to see Sapnap laying his head on my chest. "Ducky?"I answered with a hm? "Can we please cuddle?"I smiled as I nodded. He started cuddling me. "I brought us food!"Karl walked towards us as he started feeding me.

I chewed on the food. Karl kissed my cheek and continued feeding me. "What did you got?"Sapnap questioned. "Oh!I got fries and some burgers!"Karl replied. "And their for Lex!"Karl smiled while giving me a fry.

"Can I have some?"He asked as Karl nodded. Sapnap cheered and started eating the fries. "Hey!Leave some for me and Lexs!"Karl slapped his head.

Karlnapity School AUWhere stories live. Discover now