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"Karl!Baby!Time to wake up!"Karl's mom shook him. She slowly slipped off the blanket and saw a bunch of pillows under it.She was furious. "KARL!WHERE ARE YOU!"His mother yelled for him.

Karl's POV:
Oh no..I'm so dead..I can't get out of my bathroom..she might kill me... "KARL!"My mom banged on the bathroom door. I'm screwed!Alex always say..be honest..be honest.. Fuck it. "Yes..mom?"I answered. "Oh?You're already in the bathroom?"She sounded more polite than what she had sound..just now..

"Y-yeah!"I answered. "Oh okay baby!Sorry if my yelling scared you!Just come down for breakfast later okay?"My mom slipped in a letter underneath the hole of the door. I crouched down and grabbed it to read it. It said... "Come down for breakfast after you're done baby!....Love,Mom".

I heard my bedroom door closed. She must have left..Okay time to change into my uniform... I got out the bathroom and went to my closet. I took out my uniform. I looked at the time. FUCK!I'm really screwed it's so late!

I hurriedly wore my outfit and rushed out. I got downstairs and took my breakfast as I thanked my mom.I rushed out the door and saw Sapnap's Car. I got inside. "Karl!Finally!We're so late!"Sapnap frowned. "Sorry! Just drive!!!"I yelled as I closed the door. He nodded as he started the car and drove to school.

When we arrived at school. "Fuck..Babe..we're dead.." Sapnap said taking his backpack. "We could make an excuse?"I requested. "Hmm..Not a bad idea..Or?We could flirt with him~" Sapnap winked. "Whatever you say.."I followed him inside as we saw the hall monitor. Sapnap pinned him to the wall. "Hey baby~"Sapnap flirted with him.

"Just because your flirting with me and I'm your boyfriend..that doesn't mean you both don't get on the list.."Quackity pushed him off. "Oh yeah~?"Sapnap started sucking his neck. Quackity whimpered. "Please~Let us off the hook~"Sapnap begged him. "F-fine.."Quackity rolled his eyes.

I walked towards him. "Baby?"I looked at his eyes. "Hm?"He looked back at me. "Can you write me on the list?"I asked since..I don't want to be like Sapnap. "Why?I already let you both off the hook."He was confused. "I don't want to be guilty.."I answered.

"It's okay Karl..I know you didn't mean it!Just be on time next time"Quackity smiled at me. "Oh shit..it's almost time for class!Let's go!" Quackity started pushing me towards our class. We were all sweating.We looked like we got chased by a crazy killer dog.

"Uh?You three alright?"Dream asked us.We nodded. "Did you three fuck each other~?"My brother George winked at me. "FUCK OFF!"Quackity yelled. "Whatever..LOVEBIRDS~You two should definitely fuck Quackity since he looks like someone who can get fucked up~"George winked. Me and Sapnap blushed like crazy.

"What's wrong with you!?"Quackity was so mad. "I'm speaking the truth!Besides you have a hickey on your neck!Who did it~?"George was a curious person.Most of the class calls him Curious George cause y'know his so curious get it?

Quackity stared at Sapnap. "Oo~So Sapnap~"George and Dream winked. "S-shut up!"Quackity blushed. "Whatever.."George left to go back to his seat same with Dream.We went to sit in front of them. "Fuck you Sapnap!What's wrong with you!?"Quackity slightly yelled at Sapnap since he doesn't want to let the whole class know.

"Fine~How about this~"Sapnap smirked. I accidentally dropped my pencil and went to grab it. I saw Sapnap touching..Quackity's thigh. Holy cow! I quickly got back to sit on my chair. Luckily the front students couldn't see it cause there was a barrier covering Quackity's legs under the desk.

 Luckily the front students couldn't see it cause there was a barrier covering Quackity's legs under the desk

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It looked like this but I've decided to put Sapnap's other bag infront of Quackity's legs. "Karl?Are you listening?"The teacher looked at me. "Yes ma,am!"I answered. "What was I talking about then?"She asked. Oh shit..I'm doom.I didn't listen.. "She was talking about what had happened in World War lll!"My shorter boyfriend whispered to me the answer. "You were talking about World War lll?"I answered the teacher. "Very good!"The teacher went back on teaching the class.

After class...

"Hey Lexs!I think it's time for you to get a lambo!"My other boyfriend said to my shorter boyfriend. "I don't even know how to drive one.."He replied. "Then..how about a Ferrari!?"Sapnap asked. "No.."My shorter boyfriend replied. How could he not want that!?If Sapnap asked me that I would definitely agree!

"WHY NOT!?"Sapnap questioned him. "Well..first!I don't have enough money!Second..My family..is really..poor.."He answered him.I saw tears falling down his cheeks. "B-babe.."Sapnap hugged him. I hugged him aswell.

"It's okay babe..my parents can lend your parents some money!"Sapnap replied. "N-no..I will give them my money..when I get some money.."Quackity looked down. "Alex?Why don't we go shopping to cheer you up?"I tried to light up the mood. "I told you I don't have enough money!I only have 60 dollars rn..their for my parents.."Quackity replied.

"W-well..I could buy you the stuff!"I answered. "No!I don't want your money!"He pushed me away. "Babe please...you let us off the hook..so this is our thank you!just pleaseee!"I begged him. "Fine.."He wiped his tears.

"Sir?"One of Sapnap's bodyguard walked towards us. "It's time to go sir."The bodyguard told Sapnap. "Can I bring Alex and Karl aswell?"Sapnap questioned. "Of course,sir.". We started walking towards Sapnap's car.Ngl..it was quite fancy and looked really expensive. We got in the car. "Ducky?why are you not coming in?"I asked him while I rolled down the window of the car. "I don't think my parents allow that..so I rather walk home.."Quackity said as he started walking away. "Quacks!"We tried calling out for him but he already walked too far.We sighed as we drove to the mall...without him.

It felt..strange without him sitting in the middle of us.Sapnap didn't talk to me once when we were in the car.Is Quackity going to be okay walking home all alone?

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