That's not what your suppose to say!

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Lovers Chat<3:
Sapnap:Guys:<I failed my exam..
Quackster:Good for u<3
Karl:I agree with Q😎

Quakster: 100%

Quackster:Babe.You literally asked us the question.What did we get!
Karl:And we just answered and now your pissed off because of nothing!

Sapnap:I'm blocking both of you>:(

Sapnap blocked Karl
Sapnap blocked Quackster.

Sapnap's POV:
I threw the phone at the floor and went towards the door. I twisted open it just to be jumpscared by my dad. "AH!"I fell on the ground. "Sorry Sappy!I got you some snacks!Want some?"He asked showing the muffins on the tray. "No thanks dad!I'm going to go to my boyfriend's house for a while!"I said. "Okay!Be safe!"He said. I put on my shoes and ran outside to the car.

At Karl's house..
I parked at his driveway and went towards the door. I knocked on the door to be met by his mother. "Hello,Miss Jacobs!I'm here to see Karl!"I said. "Karl is busy right now..but you can come in tho!"She said letting me in. "Busy?That's new."I said. "Well his other boyfriend came and somehow they don't want to leave the room and blasting out loud music.I have no idea why their doing that maybe you can go in and ask them?"She said. "Okay!"I took off my shoes and went upstairs.

I knocked on his bedroom door. "Karl!"Agh..can't do this the music is so loud..

I grabbed the room key and unlocked it. They were..fucking!?I turned off the music. "You two!Why are you two fucking without me!?"I asked them. "Well.."

"Ah~!Why did you move~?"Quackity moaned out.  "I hate you both.."I left the room and went downstairs.Atleast I stole their phones!

Karl's Pov:
"Why did you left the room keys there?"He asked. "I didn't know!"I answered. "Now shut up.."I went over to my computer and blasted loud music.


"So good~!"

Few minutes later..
I turned off the music as I picked Alex up. " hurts.."He whined. "Shh.I know.."I kissed his cheek and placed him in the bathtub.

"Finally no more music.."Karl's mom said in relive. "Mhm.."I nodded and continued eating.

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