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Hello,dear readers!I'm glad you all enjoyed my books!I really appreciate every single one of you:)

But sadly..I decided to leave the fandom...I had a great time watching them for like hours and hours..until I slept while watching one of their stream XD

I'm so glad I found this fandom in the first place:) If it weren't for them..I would probably gave up on the first place.They made me felt safe and so comfortable.When I joined the fandom..I was like This is the fandom!This is definitely the fandom!I'll never leave the fandom..

Now here I am...leaving the fandom..and never going back to the fandom but who knows??What if I come back to the fandom again?Idk what the future may holds but I hope it brings happinessXD

Btw I also read all the comments!Thank you so much for commenting!And btw THEIR ALL AU that means it IS NOT REAL!I DO NOT SHIP THEM IRL! Oh and btw I'm starting to felt like the books are bit like y'know cringy but idk if you guys felt that or only me XD

Also these three books are the last books I'll ever made..and I also decided to not delete them !But I won't make any like Karlity or Karlnapity books anymore..

I hope you all had a great time reading these books:,)
Bye for now..:)

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