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karl's pov:

( 2 days of swimming with antfrost. and george has been in the ship for i don't even know how many days. )

we have 6 days to get there and  the pirates are there in 8 days. time was going so slowly! we talked nonstop adn got to know antfrost and stuff. my worry about egroge was bigger and bigged everyday and i could see that corpse was so wass worried too but he just didin't show it anymore. 

antfrost: okay we have 2 options. one. we go shorter way and we only take 4 and half day butit's very dangerous or taht we go longer way and it takes one more day. likee 7 days but it's safer. lots safer

corpse: let's go to the longer becasue what would we do in the town 2 days? one day is enought right?

antfrost: i think. we can start to think about the plan while we swim.

karl: yeah.

clay's pov:'

2 days ago i threw floris our and george had been very sad and he gaved us 2 bottles of tears in 2 hours because  he couldn't stop crying even tho i cuddled him and told that everythink is okay. i think he's very upset about thinks floris said and then he misses his friends so much adn he's scared. and yeha. but we have grew a little bit closer in those 2 days. we have spent this whole time togetler and i cherred george up a bit and i teached him boardgames and it maked george a bit happier. tomorrow we're gonna get the last bottle of his tears. we are in the town in 6 days so half left. 

now we were just cuddling in bed and george haven't been merman in 2 days he wanted to be human so he could cuddle with me and i think that, that was so, so cute. like maybe he likes me back? but i'm not gonna ask him becasue maybe he will get mad at me and then he doesn't give us the last bottle of tears and i don't want to loose george. 

george playes with my fingers and rings adn he hummed..

clay: what?

george:  i like them

clay: my fingers?

george nodded and i blushed

clay: w-well i like your hairs they are so soft and it's nice to play with it.

george. it feels so woird that it's dry because it's always wet and you know.i have been mer man for 23 years and now i'm human

clay: well you are not human but you are in human body. when you go in water you will change back in to merman and when you come out you change back to human

george. that's so cool. but why can't you  change into merman if i can change into human?

clay: i have no idea but it's okay.

george: mmm. do you think the king is gonna hurt me?

clay: i don't know but i'm not gonne let anythink happen to you. 

george: okay. i trust you.

clay: i will tease you for ever for that you have the photo of me!

george: i do not! nick is jsut being weird!!
clay: are you sureee??? 

george. yes i'm sure. 

clay: i heard mermans are bad at lying and i maybe can see it right nowwww.

i teased him and tickled his sides and he jumped a bit giggling and he slapped my hands away and smiled at me weith sweet smile that melted my heart. he layed his head on my now bare chest and he putted his left hand on my chest. he first putted his hand on my chest but then he slided the hand on my sixback and then my v-line.  i bited my lip,. my mind was going crazy but i don't think george knows what he's doing to me. 

clay: Y-you like my ch-chest?

george. yes. youa re very strong. 

clay. iwell yeah. 

george; i wish i could have body like that

clay; you have perfect body george. 

george: mhmm.

george looked down avoiding my eyes adn i lifted his chin up

clay. you are beautifull. you are georgeus, you are pretty, you are good enought okay? if anyone ever say you are not they are very, very wrong okay? you are the most beautifull think in the whole world. 

george was blushing like crazy and he stared at my eyes. his eyes were dark brown and he looked like begging dog. he's so cute. his eyes were watering and he pouted

george: thank you so much you don't even know how much that means to me clay.

he let tears fall on his face and i smiled sadly adn wiped it with my finger and i held my hand on georges chin. 

clay: of course george. it's all true. you are georgeus. never forget about that.

 george nodded and stopped crying. he hugged me even closeer if it was even possible. i rubbed georges hairs and back and george sighed and after few minutes i heard little snoring and it was adorable. ni looked at george who was calmly breathing on my chest adn i wiped his cheeks few times adn i just held him. i know i have to let go of him in 6 days. i want our last days to be perfect.

 george's pov:

ii woked up nexxt day adn now 5 days that we are at the town. i'm scared........i'm scared that the king will hurt me somehow. i'm scared that i can't see karl or corpse ever again. i'm also worried about that i don't see clay after this.........of course i don't see him. he's pirate and he doesn't really care. h e just wanted my tears adn then when he's done he let me go with karl and corpse and i will never see him again. i should have thoight about that before i falled in love with him and yeah you can fall in love in few day. you don't even know hoe nice and attractive clay is. have you ever seen him? have you ever been with him this close? i don't think so. i don't know hwat am i suppose to do anymore. 

clay was still sleepinga dn his hot breath  hitted my neck. i lowered mydlef so i was laying on clays sizback becasue you con't even know how much i love it. 

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