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george's pov:

clay picked me up and bring me in bathroom

clay. do you want a bath or shower?

egroge: bath! i can me merman!

clay: yes you can honey. you want bubbles?

george: pink!

clay: alright. can i also join you?

george; my tail is big. 

clay: i cnow but i also know that i can fit in if that's okay with you. 

george: can you be behing me?

clay: you want me to hug you from behind? aww how cuteee.

george: i-i didin't say th-that!!!

clay: okay, okay. take off your clothes and put them in tthe washingmachine.

i started to take my closthes off and clay didin't look and i'm glad becasue my body is weird.........i think it looks weird. it doesn't look the same as clays body. i don't have all of those musceels and i'm just...............i don't know. i covered my stomacsh a bit and i wet in the tub betheen clays legs. i got my tail and i giggled

clay: it's so cute.............i have never touched one. 

george: u-ummm they are very sensitive adn it feels gross. 

clay: can i try? you don't have to say yes. 

george: j-just please don't touch the sides. 

clay:  okey i won't. does it make you feel...............g-good?

i nodded adn i was blushing so much. i flet clays hadn onn top of my tail adn he tapped it. 

clay: it doesn't feel gross at all. 

geogre: you think?

clya: yes. it's like a fish but not that gross.

george: so it is gross?

cla: no! fishes has gross but you don't.

george: yeah make sense so much.

we both giggled and clay patted my tail and i looked up at clay

clay: what?

george: thank you. 

clay. for what?

george. for not killing me and for being this nice and for being this cute and for being so, so sweet to me. 

clay. yeah of course george. thanks for the tears so. so much. 

george: i think you deserve then you know. at first i thought you were just like every other but...........you guys are like so nice to me. 

clay: thanks. 

clya kissed back of my head and tapped my stomach. 

clay: i know you are insecure but you don't have to. you don't have to at all. i think you are very, very pretty. i  think you look amazing. 

george. But i don't look like you. 

clay: awww that's so cute.........but nobody looks like me. i'm me and nick is nicka dn you know. everybody has own body and it's always a bit difference adn it's okay. every body is  amazing but your body is the best. 

i blushed adn held clays hands that were on my stomach. 

george. You are so sweet clay.  

clay: you are too. only like one day and we are there...........are you scared?

george: yes. i'm more and more scared every secound. 

clay: yeah but you have to remembeer what i proomised. i'm not gonna let you die okay? if they take you we will get you out of there and we will find karl and corpse. i will do anythink for you my darling. 

george. you said.........you said that you don't want to make anything official but.................but.....would you be my boyfriend?

i was so scared how clay's gonna react.

clay: I*i sure but are you sure? it will hurt even more if you decide to leave us. 

george: i won't remember? we are gonna figure out a way to get all of us together right? all of us. karl, corpse me, you and everybody in yrou croup. 

clay: yeah but i don't think that we can fiigure it out in one day. 

george: we don't have to. we don't have to hurry this clay. 

clay: i know.......i'm sorry

george: that's okay............i have one queston but i think this is kinda...........weird to ask because we don't really do that because we are mermans and you know.......

clay: of course ask anythink i won't laugh. 

george: w-well..........how do you hv-have sex?

clay sucked his breath adn i looked at him. 

clay. u-ummm. so-so  umm. you know someone likes girls and someones like boys adn is it's like hetero sex it's differenxe than gay or lesbian sex. 

george: w-well are you gay?

clay: i mean yeah..........

george. how does gay sex work?

i looked at clay who was so red adn he cleared his throath. 

clay: u*ummm there is so many ways but i think w-what usually we do is..............i m-mean i haven't ever have sex you knwo b-but i have wathced....oh god this sounds so weird eww........ what ever. s-so i think usually gay sex is like................you know you have that hole

clay's pov: 

why am ii doing this?!? i was so red and george was looking at me with innosent face adn smiled sweetly at me.

george. You don't have to tell me if you are not comfoortable............i mean it's kinda weird to talk about it. 

calyy: no, no it's not weird at all george............w-well i'll tell as well as i can. 

( if you cringe easilly don't red this)

clay: w-well ummm. you know that other boy is like top and other is bottom and well the bottom ............ umm i don't know how to say it. but the top............w-well i can't.

george. It's okay........... you can show me. 

i almost chocked on my own spit and i looked at george who was looking at me still with the innocent face adn sweet smile on his face. 

clay: i-i that's not a go-good idea. a-and you are merman right now. 

george. okay. you don't have to if you don't want. 

clya. I-i do want but you know.......you don't know anythink about it.........are you sure? i mean...... i c-can if you are like 10000% sure george. 

george: i can turn back to a human. do you think i'm discusting with tail?

clay: no, no, no that's not what i meant. i think yoru tail is beautifull. 

george. Okay. 

george turned back to a human and i kissed bakc of his neck. 

clay: how does this feel like?

george: w-weird but g-good. 

clay: mhmmm. are you sure you want to do this?

george: yes. 

clay: okay. tell me to stop at any point okay? when ever you want just tell me to stop or tap my sholder 3 times adn i'll stop okay?

george. Okay.

in next chapter tehre will be smut so don't read it if you are not comfortable with it! 

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