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george's pov:

i was in the bathroom and i took something sharp. it was class or metal i don't really know but do i care? no.  i putted it on my other hand and i cutted.





everybody hates you


attencion whore





my head was yelling those words. i have never felt this way before. i flet so bad. i was crying i couldn't breath.  i think all the saddnes of many years was breaking now and i was breaking down . i looked at my arm what was fully red of my blood. over 20 cuts. i knoew i was cutted too much. the pain in my hand was terrible. but i do deserve the pain. 

i heard knocking.

clay: george? are you doing alright in there? 

george: y-yeah. 

clya. You have been there for 40 minutes. can i come in?

george. n-no i'm ready in a mi-minute.

clay:  is yoru stomach hurting? i can help you. 

geogre. n-no i'm fine. 

clay: can you please open the dooor?

george: j-just wait!

i sreamed at hima dn it was quiet for a moment. i taked lots of paper adn water and i wiped the blood away and i whined at the pain. i  think i cutted very deeep............oh no......how am i gonna hide these form karl and corpse?!? we are naked in the water they are gonna see them! oh no.........corpse is gonna lose his shit. i paniced and cried even harrder. i know that my macig tears could help with the bleeding but there is always gonna be the scars. i whined adn then i heard the the door unlocked....shit! he has a key for it!.

i saw clay looked at me mouth oppend and he quickly took the sharp think from my hand and threw it across the room. he kneeled down and hugged me tighly and shushed me. 

clay: oh, no, no, no geogre honey shhh. it's okay. i'm here. i'm right here. you are okay.  why would you do that georgie?  you know you can talk to me right? 

geogre: s-sorry. i-i-i wa-was just. ugh

clay. hey, hey. breath. breath with me. in................adn out

we did that for few minutes adn i started to calm down slowly- clay was hugging me and i guess he didn't care about the blolod because now he was covered in it too. 

clay: oh geogre........let me just clean those let's talk after that okay?

i just nodded and clay smiled sadly. he got up adn taked some bottles from under the sink. he taked 2 pills adn gaved them to me

clay: here. they are helping with pain and they calms you down. i'm gonna clean those cuts now. just take deep breaths for me.

clayw as so sweeta dn it almost made me cry again. clay was talking with sweet and low voice and he hummed some songs while he was cleaning my cuts. it calmed me down. he gaved me water and i drank it.

george: i'm sorry. i k-know i'm ugly now an-

clay: hey, no. don't talk about your self like that. you are not ugly. nothink can make you ugly. george you look as good as always. could you tell me what made you do this george? you don't have to but it would maybe help if you'd talk about it with me. i promise i won't tell anyone if you don't want to. even tho we have known only like week. i really care about youa dn i want you to be safe. i kissed you becasue i might have a little crush on yyou.............and yeah. i think you are vvery pretty and sweet and kind.

i blushed adn looked away.

george: i-i like you t-too

i said nervously adn i saw clay smiled at me adn kissed my forehead. 

clay: let's not make anythink official becasue..............you know. but george i can help you if you just tell me what's wrong. 

george: i-i just that..............i'm scared.

clay. Of what?

george: th-that we won't see ever again o-or that karl and corpse id mad at me o-or dead a-and that i really li-llike you a-adn that i don't know what t-to do.........i w-want to stay here but corpse a-and karl are my family a-and i don't want to lose them a-and i love to be merman b-but i also like to be a human a-and i made you sad a-and i'm maybe gonna die. and i'm just so scared a-and i hate myself so, so much. you d-don't even know. 

clay's pov:

hearing those words come out of georges mouth broked me. george staretd to cry again and i held him in my arms and shushed him. it breaks my hert that everythink that comed out iof georges mouth was almost true. geogr eididn't know where he was, where he was going, is he gonna ever see his friends again, is he gonna die, what he's gonna do and it hurted me too. i wanted george to stay with you and stuff but he also said he loves to be a merman so............

clay: hey, hey...........don't stress about staying here. you do what you want. of course i would love you to stay but you have knows karl and corpse yoru whole life and i know you love them and i know they loves you very, very much. i want you to be happy. i want you to do what YOU want not what ii want. you don't have to be scared of anythink. you are not gonna die. i'll make sure that the king won't hurt you. i will risk my whole life,

george: but not yoru croups life. 

that was true. what if he's gonna kill george? i have no idea what he wants from george other than the tears but why does he want to see george in person? if he says that if we don't give egorge to them tehy will kill my croup.............i do't know whta i would do. i love my croup but i love egorge too. i don't know. shit. 

clay. i-i.......... i promise you won't die george okay? i promsie

george nodded and layed his head on my chest and sigehd.

clay: why do you heeate yoursefl? you are absolutely georgeus. 

george: i hate my body..............i hate how i look like......i hate how i always overreact. i hate how stupid i am. i hate how weak and wortheless i am.......i hate how i always cry and i hate that i hate myself so much. i hate everythink but you and myy friends. i.........i wanna die. 

with that i had ters in my eyes too. how could george thank that? he's absolutely perfect.  i hugged hit tighter and george was again sobbing on my chest adn i wiped my tears away.

clay. shhhh. you look so good. you are sso kind adn none of this is your foult egorge. you haven't done anythink wrong okay? you are not weak not even close. you are so breave adn so strong george. i love how you look like and i love how sweet and nice you are. you were even nice to floris even tho he treated you like a shit. i do not want you  to die george. adn karl or corpse doesn't want that eather nobody wants you to die george. you cn't even imagine how sad all lof us would be george. we care george. 

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