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after 2 months. 

clay's pov: 

tomorrow is egorges last chemo!!!! anfter the last chemo doctors are cheling does george have any other cancer  cells and if he doesn't we can go back home in 2 weeks. home is the shiip btw but it's our home.  our frieends hadn't been here in a while because they had been getting more money and stuff like that but thery are here again in a week.  i was so excited even tho we didin't know did george have another cancer cells but i have feeling that he does't have. 

clay. baby tomrrow is the last chemo!!! are you excite?

george: about the chemo? no. 

clay. no stupid. about the fact that we maybe get out of here!
george: well it's not for sure yet i don't want to be excited about thinks that is not for sure. 

my smuled fell and i just nodded

clay. oh right. i'm sorry. i was just happy. 

george isghed and rubbed his head. 

george. I know i'm sorry. 

clay: no, no it's okay.  just go to sleep you look tired. 

george isghed again adn closed his eyes. 

after 2 days. 

the last chemo wasn't that bad george threw up few times but now it's over. in  an hour we got to know if george has another cancer cells. i was bit anxious. george was sleeping on my lap and i then realized. we have been together over a year now! we have been half of it in hospital!!!!! i will mak egeorge the most romantic and the most expensive date ever when we get out of here and george is fully good. i will make this up to him. i will make him again again. i'm not gonne let him lose hope.

after an hour.

the dpctor wanled in and i shaked george awake and the doctor started to speak. 

doctor: i have good newwss!!!

my smile grew so big adn i hugged george so tighly. 

doctor: george you don't have another cnacer cells!!! you are cancer free!

the doctor was young man and he looked so happy and proud of geroge just like me. george cried on my chest and tears were streaming down on my face too but it was happy tears. i kissed top of georges head and george kissed me. 

doctor: i'm so happy for you george! 

george nodded and hugged me tighter. 

doctor. You can get out if a week but georg ecan't walk in months but and that's why george should go in physic therapy. waling can hurt for a bit but it's totally normal. we have a wheel chair for you tho so don't worry. 

george: n-no threapy

doctor: well you don't have to but it would be good. i'll give you paper and there reads everythink you have to do to get yoru leg back and you have to repeat it avey morning and night and after 3 weeks you have to try and stand up but do not walk yet. after 8 weeks you can try to walk. we do not want you to hurt yoru leg or any other bone in yoru body. yoru bones are very, very weak right now so be careful alright?

george: yes. i promise

doctro: good. also no sex until your bones are better and you can walk again becasue it can hurt your bones very badly.

george went red and nodded. 

doctor: sorry a bit weird but seriously no sex okay?

george. yes, yes. 

doctor: good. and no masturbatin-

george. i get it!!!!'

i giggled and george burried his head in my chest and giggled

doctor. just sayingggg. you also can't get a erec-

george: oh my lord stop it! 

doctor: okay, okay. 

the doctor laughed and walked out of the room.

george: that's so emberrasiing!

clay: it's not. 

george: do you want be with me anymore if i can't have sex?

clay: of course i want honey. i'm not with you because of sex honey and thedy seid not until yoru bones are good again. 

george: okay.....

clay: i love you

george: i love you clay. 

clay: how are yu feeling?

george: a bit sore and sick but better

clay: alright. what about your mentalhealt?

george: better.........i guess. 

clya: you guess?

george: well i didin't want to cut myself yesterday or today.

clay: really? i'm so proud of you darling. 

george: are you reallyor are you just saying it?

clay: of course i mean it baby this is a big think honey. i love you and i'm really proud. i said we are gonna be alright. you are doing great

george kissed m nose and smiled a bit

george: but i still hate myself clay.

clay: that's okay i will teach you not to hate yorself and i love you and many othrer peopple too. you sure you don't want threapy?

george: yes i don't want............b-but maybe pills?

clay: well you have to talk with thrapist if you want pills for it.

george: okay not then.......

clay: why don't you want talk?

george: i just want to talk with you. 

clya: what if you write it?

george: no

clay: if you tell me and i'll write?

george: is it gonna wortk?

clay: yes.

george: fine...........but you won't laugh right? or judge. 

clay: i would never and you know that darling. 

george: yes i do. i'm sorry. 

clay: no it's okay darling. 

clay: okay let's start now?

george: o -okay. 

i saked questons for 3 hours because george had hard time to answer all of the quuestons because they were very personal and george cried a lot. i comforted hom so we could keep going.  

clay: last queston hun you are doing such a great job........oh no................ what was your relation with yoru parents?

georges tears were going fasted and he burried his face in my shirt.

george: d-dead.

clay: that's enought don't over strain yoruself honey. 

george nodded and i writed the last line.

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