twenty one

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THE FIGHT LASTED FOR HOURS no one on the both side wants to surrender. the demons fighting for power and the slayers fighting for their lives and lives of many.

the whole fight, the bonten trio and the three wives of uzui could only watch and pray for everyone's safety and for their victory. they saw how they shed blood and take major injuries from the villains, and the next thing they want to see is them winning and killing both upper moon six.

and for the demon slayers, even tho they are tired and badly injured, just the sight of someone who's hoping for them to win is enough to fire up their fighting spirit and continue to battle until they win.

at last, the battle ended with the demon slayers and humanity, once again, claiming victory on their side.

“fucking hell, that's so intense!” sanzu exclaimed as he wiped the sweats on his forehead, even ran and rindou are sweating just by watching the battle

“wait, it's not done yet. run, gyutaro's body will explode!” makio shouted, their eyes widen and quickly helped makio and suma to assist hinatsuru who's still barely unconscious. the six ran to somewhere that the explosion won't reach them

they covered their ears and ducked as the explosion happened. they coughed because of a thick black smoke that surrounded the place for a minute

“let's go to tengen-sama!” suma exclaimed, they nodded and starts looking for the sound hashira while still assisting hinatsuru

“the whole place was destroyed” the trio looked everywhere, everything almost turned into a dust because of the explosions

“he's there!” suma pointed the sound hashira who's leaning against some woods, he's injured and he lost one hand and one eye, but the important thing is he's still alive

the three wives quickly went to their husband to check him, the bonten trio just stood beside them, their eyes looking for tanjiro and his companions.

“there's still no signal, i just hope they will come to get us” ran said while checking his phone, rindou sighed and squatted, he feels tired and sleepy

“hey, are you sleepy?” sanzu tapped rindou's shoulder, rindou nod and yawned

“here, i have something that can take away your sleepiness plus it can give you 3D imaginations--”

“stop you damn pinky, i'm not into drugs!” rindou quickly stands up and slap sanzu's hand away from his shoulder, sanzu pouted

“but my babies are good, they can make you stay up all night” rindou wrapped his arms around sanzu's neck while they are still bickering. ran could only watch them and sigh

“no! don't die, tengen-sama! we all managed to stay alive!! and we won!” suma cried loudly while holding his husband

“what can we do about the demon poison? the antidotes aren't working! you're so cruel gods! so cruel!” she added while still crying loudly, makio and hinatsuru didn't say anything but the look on their faces are just similar to suma

“i have some final things to say... up until now i've lived--”

“if you let tengen-sama die, i won't be praying to you guys anymore! i won't ever forgive you!” suma unconsciously cutted uzui's words

“hey, shut up for a bit! tengen-sama's speaking now!” makio scolded suma who's still crying

“both of you, be quiet” hinatsuru tried stopping the two as they start to bicker, ran thought suma and makio was like sanzu and rindou

“i'll fill your mouth with rocks, you dumb woman!” uzui can't talk anymore as the poison affect his tongue, he could only watch his wives with an irk mark on his face

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