twenty seven

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“ALRIGHT, EVERYONE, LISTEN!” ran stood in front of everyone in the living room, he made kakucho gather everyone so he can announce what he wants to announce

“what is this for?” sanzu raised a brow at the older haitani

“shut up so i can say what is this for.” ran replied, the pink haired lad irked but didn't say anything in response

“hurry up, i still need to do some errands!” kokonoi tapped his hand on his knee while checking his expensive wristwatch

“relax and let me talk!” ran walked towards a table and picked the clear fishbowl above it, it has papers inside it

“this, this is a fishbowl--” before ran could finish his sentence, sanzu interrupted him

“we know, we know! but what would you do with that?”

“just let me fucking finish or else i'll hit your head with this fish fucking bowl.” although ran was smiling sweetly, he's irking, sanzu shrieked and zipped his mouth

ran cleared his throat before speaking again

“inside this fish bowl, a several piece of folded papers which contains our name. now, the thing is, everyone will pull out a paper, one by one. whoever's name you draw, they will be the one you will give your gift to.” ran happily tapped the fishbowl after explaining

“and oh, mochi's name is not here. he told me he  is celebrating christmas with his fiancé's family” everyone nodded, understanding the executive's reason for not celebrating christmas with them

“let's start this” mikey declared, he is the first one to pull a paper, ran told him not to open the paper yet and he should wait for everyone to pull a paper first

being impatient, sanzu is the second one to pull a paper. wishing that it would be you who he draw, kakucho is the third one, followed by rindou, then ran, then takeomi, then koko, then senju and lastly, you.

“we're opening the papers now. after you open it, don't tell anyone who you got. never let them know your next move” ran smiled sheepishly

“in count of five, everyone will open the paper! 1, 2, 3--” ran dead panned when everyone already starts opening the papers on their hand

“i said in count of five!” no one paid attention to ran because everyone is now busy opening the paper

you raised a brow after seeing who you got. you immediately fold the paper again and put it inside your pocket. your eyes met rindou's, he's sitting on the floor while you're in the couch

“so, who did you get?” he asked

“ran said not to tell anyone. i'm not telling you” he frowned at your answer but accepted your decision

you roamed your eyes on the living room. reading everyone's reaction on the paper that they got, mikey was not showing any reaction, kakucho was just nodding while looking at the paper on his hand, takeomi raised a brow but did not show any violent reaction, koko was cursing on his breath, ran went 'o' then smiled, senju whispered a small 'i see' before crumpling the paper, you can't see sanzu's reaction because you were facing his back

“to whoever my santa is, i want a branch of yves saint laurent!” ran loudly said, making sure everyone hear him so his santa could grant his wish

not that he don't have a branch of the said brand, he just can't get enough of it

“i'm going out, i'm buying gift now” kakucho left the living room and went to his room upstairs to change his clothes

“maybe we should also do the same. i'm also going out” everyone nodded their head on takeomi, even mikey

“oh by the way, ran, where's my gold fish on that fishbowl?” koko looked at ran, the black-purple haired man stopped on his tracks

“oh yeah, about that, i put them on a glass of water-”

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“WHAT SHOULD I GET AS A GIFT FOR THEM?” you asked yourself while looking everywhere inside the mall, rindou dropped you off, he insisted to accompany you but you told him that he can't see your gift

“got any idea, kaburamaru?” your snake hissed and shrugged his head. you sighed and decided to roam the mall while looking everywhere, trying to find a good store

you spent 25 minutes walking around, finally, a shop caught your eyes and attention.

“L&M tailoring shop? i should try looking at their items.” you whispered, you walked towards the shop and entered it

the shop was empty and has no costumers, but there is a man inside. he's wearing an eyeglasses, there's a measuring tape hanging on his neck, he's busy sewing something but he noticed you

“good morning, ma'am. may i know what you are looking for?” the man walked towards you, sending you a kind smile, tho he's looks confuse why there's a snake hanging on your neck

he has silver-lilac hair, hairstyle is also in mullet. there's a part of his eyebrows that are shaved, but it looks good in him

“can i make a request?” he raised a brow but nodded, you proceed to tell him your request and what you want

he took note of it and made sure that he got everything right. he is a man who don't want to disappoint his costumer

“may i know your name, ma'am?”

“y/n iguro” you replied, you don't see any harm by telling him your name so you didn't hesitate

“i'm takashi mitsuya. your order will be done on december 24. should i deliver it to you or you'll pick it up?” he took off his eyeglass and hang it on the neckline of his dress shirt

“i'll pick it up. it's a christmas present, i can't let anyone in our house see it” he nodded, he's about to speak again but the door of the shope, opened

“oi, mitsuya.” you both turned your head on the door, it's a man with black hair, that is tied to a neat braid. the side of his head are shaved and he has dragon tattoo

“oh, draken. you're early” you step aside so mitsuya can walk pass you, draken noticed you and nod his head

“ah sorry, i didn't notice that you have a costumer. maybe i should come back later?”

“no, we're already done.” you butted in, that's true tho, you're about to leave too

“thank you, miss iguro. i'll see you on 24” you nodded at mitsuya, he assisted you and opened the door for you

you stepped outside only to bumped into a man with long blonde hair and he have a burnt scar on his left eye. his dark emerald eyes met your dual one, like you, he have a neutral look on his face

“oh, i'm sorry” he stepped back and quickly apologised, mitsuya saw the incident and immediately went to the scene

“inupi, draken didn't mention that you're with him. are you okay, miss iguro?” from inupi, mitsuya switched his attention to you

“yes. i'll go now” he nodded and watched you walk away

“who's that?” inupi asked mitsuya while they are walking inside mitsuya's shop. inupi was spinning keys on his finger

“a costumer. she is beautiful, isn't she?”

to be continued.

not proofread nor edited.

a/n : im back!!! i missed you, my piggies! i am feeling well now, but is busy because classes are returning starting monday 😭

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