twenty three

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“OI, DON'T TOUCH MY DAUGHTER!” sanzu shrieked when rindou slaps his hands that is about to hold the newfound cat by you and rindou

“your daughter? you have a hidden family, rin?!” rindou deadpanned at his older brother who just entered the mansion. ran is obviously from work, wearing an expensive suit, but the coat is now hanging on his wrist, his hair is slightly messy, his other hand loosening his necktie

“oh.. it's a cat” ran breath out of relief, he thought his brother have a hidden family but turns out it's just a cat

“where did you get that... that... that freaking cute little thing?” rindou yelped when sanzu suddenly ran towards him and snatched the cat from his hands

“tsk. y/n saw her earlier, we decided to pick it up and adopt it. if any of you didn't want aeri to be here, then go and find another house. aeri is staying here” rindou said, even tho everyone are not there, only him, sanzu, ran and koko

ran slumped himself down to the couch, he leaned on the back rest, legs wide open, he throw his head back and closed his eyes. looks like the thirty years old executive is very stressed

“can you just give aeri to me?” sanzu rubbed the cat's belly and it muttered a small 'meow'

“no way. i ain't giving my daughter to anyone! besides, her mother won't allow that to happen” his words piqued the interests of the other three male

“her mother?” ran opened his eyes and shot a glance at his brother, raising a brow

“yes, her mother. i'm talking about y/n” rindou smirked, watching their expressions turning into sour then bitter one. you never really agreed to that parenting the cat thing, but you didn't refused either, you didn't say anything about it

and silence means yes for rindou

“tch, lame” koko showed a thumbs down at rindou, but deep inside he's dying from envy and jealousy, also thinking if he should buy a whole zoo for you then you two will become the parents of every animals there

“i can adopt her, i can be the father--”

“no! why would you take away your brother's daughter?! you're just an uncle, i am the father.” ran sweat dropped at rindou

“okay, i get it, i get it!” ran raised his hands on the air like surrendering, rindou rolled his eyes and proceeds to take aeri away from sanzu. the pink haired man don't want to let go so he hugged it and turned his back to rindou which made him irked

on the other hand, you're outside the mansion and is on the top of a tree branch. you're sitting there while eyeing the forest from the top, kaburamaru sticking out his tongue. the calm yet cold wind blowing your hair, although there's a sun, the temperature is very cold

“hmm. i can feel it” you muttered in the silence, the only things that can be heard are the chirping of birds, the sound of wind, the sound of leaves colliding anytime that the wind blows them

“it's cold. i'm cold.”

snows are falling, even with some crystallized snow flakes. you don't like winter, beside from the fact that it's very cold when winter, sun also don't rise up in some places, thus that made that place dangerous even in day time because of demons

you hugged yourself and stood up, your dual eyes eyeing the forest before jumping down from the tree branch, heading back inside the mansion

“whatever, everything will soon come to an end. death is the dead end, nothing else.”

“oi. what are you doing?” takeomi's forehead creased while watching his pink haired brother tapping and scrolling to his phone with serious face

“senju is coming home” the pinkette accidentally dropped his phone on the ground and stares at takeomi with his eyes wide open

takeomi raised a brow when he saw the open screen of sanzu's smartphone. it shows an online shop, an online shop of dogs

“you're planning to buy a pet?” sanzu immediately went back to his senses and quickly grabbed his phone from the ground, he exited the online shop then proceeds to turn off his phone

“don't mind what you saw and don't tell to anyone!” he cleared his throat and fixed his suit, dusting it. takeomi eyes him suspiciously before deciding to brush it off

“so, what i was saying is, senju is coming home and she's expecting that we will fetch her on the airport” takeomi fished a cigarette stick from his pocket, he placed it between his lips before lighting it using his cigarette lighter

sanzu covered his nose and signalled takeomi to go away from him. he smokes too but that was before, he don't like smoking that much, unlike takeomi who's obviously addicted to it. sometimes he's wondering why takeomi still don't have a lung cancer

“i'll talk to mikey and ask him if it's okay to let senju live with us for awhile. demons are everywhere, i can't risk to let her live on her own” takeomi puffed his cigarette

senju akashi or senju kawaragi, their youngest sibling and their only sister. she went to korea about 4 years ago to pursue her dream, being a kpop idol. she successfully achieved that dream and debuted with her group

“she's taking a private jet so she can avoid paparazzis. she'll just stay here for 2 or 3 weeks. that brat, she's gone for straight four years then will go home and just stay here for weeks” takeomi clicked his tongue, sanzu didn't answer, he leaned on the sofa's backrest, staring at the ceiling

“oh? senju's coming back?” kakucho appeared with a cup of coffee in his hand, he's wearing a simple black tshirt and pants

“yeah. she said her group is currently on a short hiatus” kakucho hummed and sat down beside sanzu

“heh, i still wonder if she'll get canceled once they discovers that she's once a leader and a part of a gang during her teenage days” kakucho chuckled before sipping on his coffee

“we cover that up. if they try to throw hate comments toward that brat, i'll track them down then blow their useless brains” sanzu hissed, kakucho and takeomi could only shrugged

tho they don't go to senju's group concert and fansigns, they are very supportive of her. the two will actually buy their albums until it was sold out and her every photo cards.

sanzu fished his wallet in his pocket then opened it, one of her sister's photocard was placed there. she's wearing a pink kimono, holding a japanese umbrella, with flowers on her hair

“this witch is coming home, she better have souvenirs for me, hmp”

to be continued.

a/n : yasss, idol!senju :> not proofread nor edited

a/n : yasss, idol!senju :> not proofread nor edited

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