Chapter 4

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A few moments ago

The first contact units of Cignus flew above this foreign world's lush unknown forest, escorted by three AH-6 and six F-20 Tigershark to protect them from any harm that this mission might pose.

Forefront of the first contact units, where the AH-6 is to watch out for any possible hostile threat on the pathways of the helo's carrying the soldiers and provincial officials. They were also an ideal one for the reconnaissance mission due to their small silhouette, making it hard to attack and giving them a higher chance of surviving if they encounter enemy forces. On the other hand, the F-20 is guarding them from above the sky, watching for any air threat and ready to jump into action if the time necessitates it.

Lt.Delan POV

"Alright! To the left! Northeast! There should be a river over there!." While shouting, one of our mates told us. We are currently on an AH-6 while on a cautionary recon mission to pave the way for our main unit to initiate contact with the natives of this world.

"Check for anomalies! Look if there's a hot babe bathing in the river! Are we clear?!."

"Hey Hick! Shut up! Don't drag us along on your shitty delusion!."

Hick, our grenadier, jokingly said while being reprimanded by Cole, the rifleman of our team.

There's not much tension as we already concluded in several recon missions of our air force that there's not much civilization here other than those tribal folks in this irregular forest who have only a limited number of predators with an unexplainable number of peaceful herbivores or such, which aren't really hostile but more like territorial, so there's no really major incursions in the province other than four isolated cases of people who are illegally venturing out of curiosity across the border, which result in being attacked by territorial wolves and bears.

<<There it is... Go straight.>> The copilot bellowed, and we finally reached the river with flat and clear terrain suitable for a lower NOE flight to avoid any detection as a precautionary measure. Unless we encounter Manpad equipped infantry or SPAAG here, then we're totally fucked.

We were flying about 20 or 25 meters from the ground and could hear the natural noise of water flowing, a pitter-patter like varying slaps if I described it.

"It's quite peaceful, ain't it?" Luke, on my side, said, which I replied "Well, we could hear the natural voice of mother nature in this world without seeing any pollution or some dirty ass factories spewing black smoke in the sky or dumping chemical residuals in the river, so I could agree."

Compared to urbanized areas, this region is quite refreshing and out of touch with the destructive hands of human civilization with its lush forest areas and crystal clear river flowing. Overall, it's brimming with life for me.

"Yeah, a nice place to have a vacation or picnic coz other interesting places in Cignus are either restricted or filled with antagonistic ethnic groups."

In the Cignus, there are numerous restricted regions because of things like endangered animals that may have settled there, old and culturally significant sites, or conservative tribal communities that doesn't want to embrace modernity or globalization in order to maintain their culture.

"Just too bad, we can't probably due to the mountain ranges surrounding our borders. One place that could be traversed like any other is filled with dense woodland and animals like wolves and bears. You need to exterminate them first and flatten that area by cutting down the trees before it becomes certified allowable to pass for anyone."

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