Chapter 15

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Imperial Capital Vale, Valurian Empire

The capital of Valurians, a typical metropolis befitting a great power, stood incomparable compared to its neighbors. It bustled with ceaseless activities, featuring medium-rise buildings with an aesthetically medieval charm that gave the city a unique character, both lively and questionable at the same time.

Amidst the urban sprawl, different  from the nobility district, one could find the sordid reality of Valur – the slave markets.

"Slaves, slaves! Fresh and pure, 14 years old, straight from a village in the north!"

"A good workforce, sir. Beastmen are remarkably robust for manual labor."

In these bustling streets, the city known as the 'Market of Slaves' lived up to its name.

The prevalence of slave trade in Valur wasn't born out of prejudice, culture, or tradition. In fact, Valur had no significant history of slave trade, aside from captured enemy soldiers occasionally used as forced labor in wartime camps. The main driving forces behind the rampant slave trade were far more grim – skyrocketing inflation, Valur's isolation from the global market, a rising poverty rate, recurrent famines claiming thousands of lives each year, and a crumbling economy.

Valur dedicated a staggering 40% of its budget to maintaining its military and controlling its colonies and occupied territories. This dire situation led to mass desperation among its people. Many were willing to trade their freedom for even a morsel of food or a sip of water, deeming the life of a slave a marginally better alternative to starving to death. The escalating crimes further strained the nation's resources, filling its already overcrowded jails. In response, Valur passed laws to mitigate the problem by selling criminals as slaves in the market, all in an effort to shore up much-needed funds for its declining empire.
Inside the halls of the Valurian Imperial Palace, a multitude of individuals representing the nobility, various ministries, and even members of the imperial family had gathered in the grand imperial meeting room to deliberate on pressing matters.

"Kashim appears to be inciting revolt in our frontier colonies," declared a middle-aged man wearing a crown, clearly perturbed by the news.

"Those ungrateful wretches should be annihilated," retorted another individual of similar age and status.

The man with the crown sighed, seeking a more pragmatic perspective. "Let's not be too hasty. If we resort to such extreme measures, we'll have a colossal mess to clean up afterward."

His attention then shifted to a figure standing nearby, seemingly waiting for permission to speak. With a nod from the crown-wearing figure, he granted the request.

"Your Majesty, losing a colony in the frontier might not be as disastrous as it seems. Allowing them to fall under Kashim's influence could be the most rational choice. After all, it's an inhospitable land we've already stripped of its resources over a decade ago. It's essentially a desolate piece of land inhabited by struggling settlers and hardly defensible position in a war against Kashim," the speaker explained, offering a practical perspective on the matter.

The individual wearing the crown seemed to appreciate the more measured perspective. "A more moderate response, I find that reasonable," he responded.

In difference, the other person in the room expressed his disdain for such moderation with a hint of anger. "Cowardice! Just provide me with an army, and I'll crush those fools without breaking a sweat."

The crown-wearing figure, who happened to be the emperor, responded to this with a sobering reminder. "Brother, as the emperor, I cannot take actions that might plunge our nation into ruin. We're already facing immense challenges in securing resources. We have the resources, but financing their acquisition is proving to be an equally daunting task. Years of drought have taken their toll, leading to growing discontent both in our core territories and colonies. On top of that, crime rates are soaring. We're treading on thin ice here, and war, my brother, is an expensive endeavor." He spoke with a tone of practicality and concern for the stability of their empire.

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