Chapter 8

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Mineas forest, Balran Village

One of the most secluded, yet ironically the most closest to human settlements, was the Balran Village. This elven community is smaller than Renvo, with a little over 200 people living here. A miniscule portion of the 40,000 estimated population of elves in Mineas. A society that is elusive to the outside world, hiding in the dangerous and treacherous jungles of Mineas. Other than the elves, there are also humans and demi-humans living in isolation in the forest, and the most dangerous factions are the intelligent demons such as harpies, lamia, and arachnids that lack any male counterparts. Instead, they kidnap human or elven males to procreate; after completing their original purpose, the majority of kidnapped males died from the sheer number of harpies flocking on them, and anyone who survived was eaten alive by lamia and arachnids, which use the bodies of the fathers of their offspring as nutrients.

"You're the chicken!."


"You too!."

Several kids running around as they enjoying their life to the fullest, the only funny thing is they're 40 years old despite their face only resembles no more than 10 year old human child.

Walking besides them, multiple Balran adults are gathering because every morning, several hunters set forth to hunt for the day. As many as 20 hunters are planning to begin a hunt for large beasts to be smoked and preserved for the coming winter.

However, on their horizon. A large cloud of dust rose in the horizon, and the ground visibly trembled.




A unified stomp, and not only that but a light drumbeat synchronized with the tremble, began to hit the ears of sound-sensitive elves.

"What are those?."

One of them question. However, in the midst of curiosity and anxiety, befitting the title of hunters and protectors of the village, the combatant villagers immediately zoomed on the direction heading to the reverberating drumbeats, wanting to verify the origin of this unknown. Their agility and immense speed jumping on one tree after another will make the famed Tarzan pale in comparison to their absurd athletics. Their speedy attempt brought them to the origin in no time, and beyond their eyes, hundreds to thousands of humans with innumerable banners and spears, rising in the sky, are in view.

Without saying a word, like professionals, they silently withdrew; however, one of them collapsed, like a doll cut off with string. Alarming the other hunters, there was one man in their sight, dressed in full, dark clothes, covering every part of their bodies, standing and holding a scabbard of a sword, likely used to disable one of them.


Then, multiple more unknown shadows appeared, catching them off guard. All were disabled and unable to fend off their foes. On their dimming, flying consciousness, they hear one of them talk.

"Don't kill nor harm the product, unless you want General Varanasi to loop your head physically... Destroy anyone, except humans and elves, they're unnecessary for us."

They heard in low voice, the disabled hunters could only grit their teeth as shadows began to disappear into thin air. That day, Balran fell to the army of Varanasi; all of them were enslaved, and the only reason they survived was because of how valuable their race was. But anything else was overrun and burned down by the Valurian Expeditionary Forces, lamia and harpies were mercilessly slaughtered, and several arachnids nest was burned down, and the army of ten thousand advanced deep on the Mineas, smashing anything along their way.

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