~ Prologue ~

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I S A B E L L A  

I just came back from school trip. We went to Hamptons this year. We stayed at the row house, it was great.

It's 8: 45 p. m. right now. My Grandma went to my Aunt in the Suburbs. I'm really excited to see Mom and Dad. I also want to apologize to Daddy for arguing with him before leaving for trip. I do not want to do what he wants me to. I mean, who wants their own child to die? I do not want to kill people or die; I want to do Modeling. Like Gigi Hadid or Hailey Bieber. However, Daddy does not want that.

I sighed. As soon as the school bus stops in front of my home, I wave everyone bye and walk into the house. All the lights were off as I looked from the courtyard, are my parents even home? I could only see dad's study room's lights on. It is late though, almost 9 p.m.

I unlock the door and walk in, "Mommy? Daddy? Where are you?" I call out. It is really feeling creepy.

I hear a muffled scream from his study. I walk down there. Is there an intruder? I grab the vase from the table beside the door. I slowly open the door ajar and find some men in masked and black clothes standing. My mom tied up to the table's legs and Dad in chains standing and someone holding him. I gasp. I need to call someone.

I walk back to the living room and call Uncle William.

"Isabella honey? Is everything alright?" He picks up.

"No. There are some people here. All in Black masked and clothes. Mom and Dad are in Danger." I whispered.

"Shit! Do not worry. I will be there in five. Just get out of the house without making any noise if you can." He hung the call up then.

I try to walk back to the front door without making any noise. But suddenly someone grabs me by my hair and pulled me back.

"Where are you going bitch? Boss, I found a girl. "A cranky voice said.

"No! Let us go. Please. "I squirm and try to get away from him. He drags me to Dad's study and throws me near mom. I hit my head to the table.

"Oh, no! Baby Cakes, what are you doing here?" Daddy shouts and a person hits his face.

"Shut up and tell us where is the pen drive or we will kill your daughter. Limp by limp. "The guy said. I hiss as I feel pain in my head. "Are you okay Baby?" Mom asked and I nodded. My mom is almost four weeks pregnant.

"Don't worry, we will be okay Mom. I called Uncle William. He will be here any moment. Just don't move too much, it's not good for the baby. "I whispered to her and she smiled sadly.

"Good job, baby." She praised.

"Eh, stop. Don't talk." A guy yelled at us and turns back to Daddy. "Tell us where is it?" He hits daddy again.

"Don't hit him please." I yell.

"Ooh, your daughter is a piece of meat. She is feisty. How good she might be in bed. She has pretty big breasts for her age. Let's have some fun, sweetheart. "The guy around 30, I guess, He said licking his lips and eyeing me with lust.

"No, not her please. It's in the drawer. My table the last one. The key is beneath the lamp." Dad pleased. The guy chuckles and walks towards the table behind me and mom. I could hear distant sirens ringing.

"What the hell? Who called police? Did you slut?" The same guy who hit Daddy asked me. He came near me and I got up.

"Don't get near me." I hiss. Dude, my dad and mom has been training me ever since I was 9. I know how to guess the opponent' s next move. I know how to fight.

He walked towards me and attempt to punch me but I duck down and kicked him in his balls. Daddy taught me this trick. It hurts the opponent the most and takes time to recover. Many other guys hop in front of me and I start to defend and hit and punch and kick them or twisting their hands and hitting their heads with my knees and kicking their faces.

My Daddy freed himself up and took place near me hitting a guy. "Untie mom." He orders and I obliged.

I untie mom and she rubbed her swollen belly and whispered to my unborn sibling that we are safe now. I look at Dad to see him chocking a guy. A man in black cap and masked with a gold chain in his neck, I guess he is the leader, he took out a gun.

"Too bad, Russo. Who should I kill huh? Your wife?... No, your daughter will do it. "I hear the sirens getting close.

I just hope that they get here soon. The gun goes off and a bullet flies from it towards me. "No..." Daddy shouted and ran towards me. I was taken aback by the bullet fired. Mom pulled me to a side but Daddy is already in front of me and the bullet hit him. In his abdomen. Another bullet is fired and it is by my mom. It hit the guy and he fell to the ground.

I ran to Daddy and took his head on my lap. "Daddy. It's okay." I muttered as he breathed heavy. I applies pressure on his wound.

"It's okay Baby Cakes. I'm fine. Protect mom."

"I can't leave you like this Daddy. "I protested.

I heard a scream from Mom and I looked around to see her chest and head bleeding. "Mom! "I screamed. Mom just fell down on the floor a few steps away from us. Cops entered the house and killed a few men and arrested the alive ones.

"I love you Baby Cakes. Take care of yourself." He whispered and closed his eyes.

"No! Daddy? No, don't leave me. Mom! Don't leave me. "I screamed as the both of them breath heavy. I feel his pulse slowing down. Just then his breathing went flat and I gasped.

I shook his body, "Daddy. Get up please. Don't leave me. Please dad." I sob. I look at mom to see her eyes closed too. I ran over to her and shake her.
"Mommy, wake up please. Please. Please don't leave me. Please." I was pulling away from her body and a guy threw me to the wall. I hit my head and fell down with a thud. Tears were running down my face and blood was oozing out too. Pain that was throbbing in my head was nothing compared to the pain I am feeling for my parents.

My head was yanked with a harsh pull on my hair. "You bitch! I'm going to kill you! "A man with black attire and masked growled. He grabbed my throat and squeezed it tightly. I pulled on his hand to free me but couldn't. Black spots started to invade my vision. And air was leaving leaving my body. I was not able to breathe as the man was squeezing my neck. I used my hands and legs to free myself but it was of no use. I was about to faint but the man was pulling away and I started gasped for air, but still fainted.

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