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Last night, Tess and I had dinner with the Adams'. Aunt Anastasia put a lot of efforts. They both did ask me to move in with them when I was hurt last week, but I kindly rejected saying all my stuff is here. Uncle William and her did visit me a lot of times, as per her, she loves me more than her own son Dan.

And right now, I am sitting in my car still in the parking lot. I don't want to go inside and face him, not after what he did yesterday. Why did I let him touch me without consent? Even I don't know the answer.

I reapplied my lip balm and sighed. Grabbing all my stuff, I got out of the car. Turning around, I groaned when Enzo and Nicolas entered the parking lot in a car. Why god, why?

They both got out of the car and his gaze fell on me. Our eyes locked with each other. He smirked. I frowned. I was first to break the eye contact, my phone vibrated in my hand.

I have my eyes on you, bitch.
Just because he asked me to stay away from you doesn't means I won't.

I frowned. Who asked her to stay away from me? I shook my head and turned around to lock my car. I placed the phone back in my jeans pocket and turned around. A gasp left my lips when I saw Enzo standing behind me.
"You scared me."

"Sorry, Bella." He smiled sheepishly. "Did something happened?"

"Apart from the fact you pinned me to a wall and touched me, nothing." I snapped. I don't, or say cannot let him get closer to me. I am not some normal girl he wants. Being as assassin, I always am in danger. My life isn't roses and rainbows. It's just guns and death. I can't risk his life.

"Well, I apologize for that. I didn't know you wouldn't like it." He smiled.

"I am not like those girls you fuck, Enzo." I muttered and walked past him to the building. He ran behind me and started walking beside me.
"I know. And I know it was wrong, but you weren't even telling me who made you cry." He mumbled. "And I hate when women cry."

"Really?" I asked him sarcastically. "What about those women who you ditch after having sex with them?"

"That's a whole different story, they ask for it." He said. "It's all with consent. And don't worry, they love it." He said with a cocky smirk.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him. "Are you ignoring me?" He asked following me. I kept ignoring him and made my way to the class, I opened the door and sat in the third row. He sat beside me.

"Don't ignore me!" He whined.

"Why not?" I asked glaring.

"I just hate that. And besides, I saved your life!" he pointed out.

"And I am really thankful for that." I gave him a sickeningly sweet smile.
"I don't see that." He murmured. When I raised my eyebrows at him he added, "I don't see how grateful you are. You just keep on ignoring me when I try to talk to you."

"Okay, I am sorry about it."

"I just wanted us to be friends." He muttered playing his thumbs together. I rolled my eyes at his antics. "Why?" I asked out of curiosity. "I don't know. But I want us to be friends." He shrugged.

"Just friends or friends with benefits?" I quirked my left eyebrow. "Is that an offer?" He replicated my actions. I just rolled my eyes. He chuckled. My God, it sounds so sexy. "Well can we be friends?" He asked me.
"Sure, but on one condition."

"What?" he asked facing me.

"No touchy touchy with me. I am not one of your girls." He pouted at my words. I glared. He muttered a fine and slummed down in the seat. "So we are friends, Bella?" he asked.

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