Chapitre - Trois (3)

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Jungkook is running his jeep to a small nameless private beach near Kamari.

His one of friend owns it and organising a beach party there and jungkook was also invited.

He planned to take taehyung there at the evening.

It's not going to be a rave party.

Jungkook will be there with taehyung and he won't let him do anything stupid and protect the boy.

Taehyung is standing and he extended his hands and shouting his heart out.

Jungkook is looking at him with amaze.

But his thoughts are wild.

He wanted to do many things with him, he wanted to show him his favourite places, wanted to introduce him to his parents and also wanted to do very naughty things with him.

Specifically he want taehyung for himself.

He never feel that before.

Jungkook's thoughts brakes by taehyung's voice,

"Wooooooooohooooooooooooo", taehyung shouted again.

Feeling the cold breeze in his beautiful hair and face.

Jungkook is mesmerised by his beauty again.

Taehyung sit on his seat and giggles.

"Where are we going gukie?", Taehyung asked and smiled at jungkook.

"Gukie? And we're going to a party?" Jungkook asked and replied at the same time.

"Yeah anick name for you and also don't let me drink, I'm bad with alcohol", taehyung replied and winked at him.

Jungkook nodded and played a very beautiful song for taehyung.

Taehyung singing the lyrics with him.

He is driving on the empty road.

The road is clean and beautiful.

One side there is field and in another side the blue ocean.

Taehyung noticed something.

"Gukie please stop the jeep", taehyung asked and jungkook did.

He got off the jeep and went to the field and jungkook followed him.

He knows where taehyung is going.

The road is always empty.

It's a private area so no one is allowed here without permission expect Jeon Jungkook.

The area is empty.

The sun is also setting.

The sky is pink purple and orange.

Taehyung is going to a dry tree. Many silk ribbons are tied on the branches and in the ground there is a box and it fills with colourful ribbons.

Taehyung clicked many pictures and requested jungkook to take his pictures.

Jungkook didn't notice but taehyung also clicked his pictures.

"Gukie what are those? Why the ribbons are tied there?", Taehyung finally asked.

Jungkook knows this is coming.

"This tree called love tree. Locals believe that if lovers tied a ribbon their love stay forever and they came back here again. That is why after 50 years of this the tree is still standing", jungkook speaks.

Taehyung made an o shape.

He also wanted to tie a ribbon there, with jungkook.

"Do you want to?", Jungkook asked and taehyung nodded.

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